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The 13 Rules of the Relentless: How to Be a Fucking Cleaner (Part 3)


relentless masculine development

Click here for Part 1 and Part 2

As I look back on the past 5 years of my life, and how I’ve made such a radical transformation in who I am, I can’t help but ask one question: “What was it?”

Was it that I was gifted? Was it that I was “privileged,” as many modern cry babies might say? Or maybe I just got lucky?

No, no, and no. Yes, maybe I was naturally gifted, and sure, I’ve gotten things that others never had. There was also a sure bit of luck…

But the #1 factor that contributed to my success, was that I was fucking relentless.

I didn’t cry, I didn’t stop, I didn’t quit…I just. Kept. Chasing. Success. Down.


#9 – You Don’t Have to Love the Work, But You’re Addicted to the Results

I remember when I first launched my 7 Strategies eBook last July. I didn’t really expect to make that much money, because I didn’t have that much of a following at the time.

My blog was getting 500, maybe 600 views a day, so I thought maybe I’d sell an eBook every other day or something. But, when I launched it, I was shocked by the results.

First hour, sale. Second hour, two sales. Third hour, another sale…

By the end of the day, I’d made almost $200. For many guys pulling home 5 figures a day, that’s nothing…but for me? I was hooked.

Like a wolf that’d been starving for years, that got a tiny scrap of meat, I was addicted. I KNEW that there was more, and I knew that if I put in the work, I could get it…

Ever since then I’ve been FEROCIOUSLY chasing down success, like a fucking bull charging through anything in its way. I’ve taken the attitude of being a cleaner towards Masculine Development, and boys, the results have astounded me.

Since I’ve taken the attitude of being a cleaner, my sales have shot through the roof. My blog views have nearly tripled. I’ve made tons of friends on social media sites who will help me out with future product launches, I’ve done podcasts, I’ve started a YouTube channel, and I recently launched an epic fitness product.

But do you know what makes it so easy to keep grinding away, every single god damn day? It’s not so much that I’m addicted to the success…

Sure, waking up every day and having another $200 in your bank account is nice, but do you know what’s even better? Waking up every day and having 5 emails from men, expressing gratitude and thanking you for what you’ve done.

THAT’S the real reward. Yes, the results are incredibly addicting, but the gratitude you get back is 1,000x more satisfying.

Getting emails from men around the world, telling me that they were virgins just 6 months ago, and now they have a girlfriend, is INCREDIBLY rewarding. Hearing from men that have lost 30 pounds of fat, or put on 25 pounds of muscle, makes my day!

I’m ADDICTED to helping others, and it fucking pays off. I haven’t talked about this yet, but there’s something called the “Law of Reciprocation,” which is a more advanced form of the “Law of Attraction.” More on this later.

For now, understand that you need to ADDICT YOURSELF to the results of your work! If the results aren’t addicting, STOP RIGHT NOW, because you will NOT have the persistence necessary to succeed. Yes, there may be an initial period of low motivation and lack of results, but it will go away.

Cleaners are ADDICTED to the results. They’re addicted to the money, to the fame, to the glory, to the gratitude, and to the influence…it’s like a drug to them. It makes them happier than heroin, and makes them feel more powerful than meth.

Cleaners will do ANYTHING for that rush of success… They’ll train for HOURS on end, they’ll try taking cold showers, hot baths, going in the sauna, stretching, doing myofascial release, eating a non-inflammatory diet, and more.

Cleaners will build their business for 16 hours a day, they’ll attend seminars every month, read books on marketing, reach out to social media experts, train themselves in SEO and digital outreach…they’ll do everything and anything possible to get that high of success.


#10 – You’d Rather Be Feared Than Liked

relentless masculine development

When the UFC was first founded, there were no weight classes. It didn’t matter if you were 150 pounds or 350 pounds, you would fight in the same arena.

So, when people started placing bets, who do you think they bet on? They bet on guys like Ken Shamrock, who was a hulking 245 pound monster. They put their money on guys like Teila Tuli who was a 440 pound sumo wrestling behemoth.

…and that’s exactly why the Gracie family sent Royce, who weighed around 190, to go and fight these guys.

If someone who was 250 beat someone else who was 250, it’s not that impressive. But if a guy that’s only 190 fights fucking giants, and cleans the god damn floor with them, THAT’S impressive. And that’s exactly what they wanted.

When Royce Gracie took the championship of the very first UFC, people were literally in awe—rumors immediately started circling throughout fighting rings and fan bases:

  • “How the hell did he do it?”
  • “Where did he do his training?”
  • “He does Brazilian Jiu-What?”

Up to that point, nobody had heard of Brazilian Jiu Jitsu—it had an air of mystique to it, but most importantly, it struck FEAR into the hearts of Royce’s enemies.

How the hell could they beat someone if they didn’t even know how he fought? You can’t counter an arm bar if you don’t even know what it is. His competition was TERRIFIED of him, and he became somewhat of a legend.

This is exactly what he wanted. He understood that fear is a very powerful psychological weapon. When your competition is crippled with fear, it’s impossible for them to beat you. This is why people are very often terrified of cleaners.

If you ran a small technology company, and you heard that Steve Jobs was going to start competing, you would be fucking terrified.

If you owned a car manufacturing company, and you heard that Elon Musk was going to start competing, you would be fucking terrified.

If you were a basketball player, and you heard that your next game would pit you against, Kobe Bryant, you would be fucking terrified.

This is what great cleaners do—just the mentioning of their name spreads terror. Be a cleaner, and others will fear you and admire you at the same time.


#11 – You Trust Very Few People, and Those You Trust Better Never Let You Down

relentless masculine development

When you look at those who are highly successful, you start to see a lot of patterns. One of which is that they have a very tight-knit group of people that they surround themselves with, and who they trust their lives with.

They’re very slow to let others in, but those that they do let in, they trust completely—I’ve used the analogy of a King’s castle before, in my article on cutting bullshit out of your life, and this is 100% it right here.

You need to treat your life as if it’s a castle. You have walls and a moat, SPECIFICALLY to keep those you trust IN, and to keep things that will stop you and hurt you OUT.

When you’re a cleaner, you’re operating at 100% and you CANNOT afford to be taken down, even by 1% or 2%. Cleaners operate at world class levels, so even a friend who’s slightly negative or doubts you, is cut the fuck out of your life.

Cleaners can simply NOT afford to have low quality food, low quality people, or low quality ANYTHING in their lives. They only let a few people close to them, but these people are vetted…HARD. You see this happen a lot with guys who start to learn pickup.

Men who previously had their lives together, eventually land some dime piece…but there’s a price to be paid. Because they didn’t screen her hard enough, they soon find that they’re wrapped up in the midst of a ton of drama.

She’s fighting, she’s throwing things, she’s screaming and yelling how it’s all your fault…this wouldn’t have happened if guys just learned to be cleaners and screened people for this type of behavior.

I’ve learned this lesson many times before in my life—you CANNOT deal with drama. You cannot let drama queens into your life, no matter how hot they are. They will drain your energy, drain your time, and drain your resources. And what’s even worse is that nowadays a lot of GUYS are drama queens.

Cleaners don’t have drama in their lives. They don’t have liars or cheaters in their lives. They trust very few people, and if those people ever act up, they’re out.


#12 – You Don’t Recognize Failure; You Know There’s More Than One Way to Get What You Want

relentless masculine development

Every person who’s wildly successful will all tell you the exact same about failure: “I’ve failed hundreds of times throughout my life.”

Every single god damn one of them, will tell you this exact same thing. Why is that? Do you think it’s just coincidence? Of course not!

The cleaners of the world realize that failure isn’t really failure—it’s an opportunity to learn. It’s feedback.

Failure is feedback. Repeat that sentence 5x. Etch it onto your skull, because it’s one of the most powerful re-frames that you’ll ever encounter. Nothing that you fail at is EVER a bad thing, it’s just feedback on how you can do things differently next time around.

Failure takes all shapes and sizes. You can have big failures, small failures, public failures, and private failures:

  • You’re too lazy to go to the gym today
  • You approach a girl and she rejects you
  • You make a bad business decision, and it bites you in the ass
  • You don’t pay enough attention to a relationship that you should have cherished

All of these things are failures to some degree, but the cleaner doesn’t see them as failures. He sees them as an opportunity to CHANGE and to GROW! 

The cleaner was too lazy to go to the gym? Well, he’ll work out twice as hard tomorrow.

The cleaner got rejected by a girl? He’ll figure out what he did wrong and change it next time.

The cleaner made a poor business decision? Next time he’ll look out for those.

The cleaner didn’t cherish a relationship? He’ll make it up to that person, and cherish existing relationships.

Do you see the point? FAILURE IS FEEDBACK! Failure isn’t some sort of permanent, unchangeable end to your goals—it’s just feedback as to what you should do differently.

Cleaners understand this, because they’ve encountered a ridiculous amount of failure throughout their lives; you don’t get to the level of being a cleaner without failing hundreds, and even thousands, and even TENS of thousands of times. It just isn’t possible.

What makes a cleaner a cleaner, is that rather than moping around and pouting, they just LEARN from their mistakes. Be like that. Be a cleaner.


#13 – You Don’t Celebrate Your Achievements Because You Always Want More

I’ve always wanted a Lamborghini…especially the one pictured above. It’s a Lamborghini Aventador Superveloce and it runs about $500,000.

…and I know I’m going to get one. It’s only a matter of time. But do you know what’s going to happen, the SECOND that I get one? I’m not going to be satisfied. I’m going to want more.

Sure, I’ll be very happy. It’ll be a hell of a lot of fun to drive, I’ll probably rack up a few speeding tickets, and I’ll feel like a total badass doing so. But the second I get a Lamborghini, I’m going to want something more. I’m going to want a private helicopter.

Then, once I get a private helicopter, who knows, maybe I’ll want a private jet. Do you see the point? Once I start making $500,000 a year, I’ll want to make $1,000,000 a year. Then I’ll want to make $10 million a year. $50 million a year…a BILLION a year.

Cleaners may celebrate their achievements, but only briefly. They’re addicted to the PROCESS of growing, not the achievements and signposts along the way.

This is why, even when phenomenal athletes win championships, they’re literally in the gym training the next day. Why is this? What could it be? Again—they’re not satisfied with AVERAGE. They’re not even satisfied with good or great. They’re relentless. They’re cleaners.

The true cleaners of the world will NEVER be satisfied with the results—they’ll always want more. Is this dysfunctional? You bet it is. But will it lead to incredible, legendary results? You bet it will.

This is one of the many paradoxes of self-development—you must learn to enjoy the journey, wherever you may be, but also to constantly strive for more…

Cleaners are always striving for more. The second they hit that goal of squatting 450, they move their goal up to 475. The second they hit 475, they move their goal up to 500. The journey of growth never ends.



These are the 13 rules of the relentless. They’re not for those of you who want to be mediocre. They’re not for those of you who want to be good, or even great.

These rules are for those of you, who want to be fucking unstoppable; for those of you who want to be fucking legends.

Every single person who’s wildly successful follows all of these rules, whether they’re aware of it or not—they’re the foundation to massive success, and if you want to achieve success, you must strive to follow these rules in everything you do.

These rules are applicable to game and finding a good woman to marry. They’re applicable to mastering your health. They’re applicable to achieving wealth beyond your wildest dreams. They’re applicable to spirituality, and attaining that sense of calm serenity that we all want.

Becoming a legend is within everyone’s grasp…you just have to be willing to put in the work to attain it. So, are you willing to put in the work?

Well, are you?

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1 year ago

I had to comment here Jon. First reason.

My current job is a CLEANER. Lol.

Second reason. I fucking resonated with every damn one of these.

Third reason. #13 is so damn true. That’s why I always say, there’s ALWAYS MORE WORK TO DO.

This is such a powerful article.

#11 really hit home, that really describes how I trust VERY few people.

You’re the man Jon, keep being you ????

John Doe
6 years ago

Thanks man , Great Article . this helps me to grow and achieve greater things in life.

7 years ago

I purchased real book of Relentless by Mr. Grover as I opened I saw title don’t think but topic was irrelevant. After going through book I hardly understood anything but through your article I got an idea of cleaner mindset. Thanks man. You might become best blogger as your write-ups articles are relentless.

7 years ago

The whole part about “if it isn’t addicting to you, drop it.” How do you make something addicting to you?

7 years ago

This was a great series of articles that gave a lot of food for thought, especially as to just how high standards for one’s self must be set. Also, I don’t know if you mentioned this in any of the articles, I read them a few days ago, yet it looks like all of these steps encapsulate and summarise the advice previously given by yourself, Victor and others. What a wonder that we get to live in a world where that knowledge is available to all, unlike previous generations who had to stumble on it. Thank you for sharing it.

7 years ago

These 3 articles are gold. I think you should do follow up on them and describe how you/someone else applied those rules in business, relationships etc.
Sometimes playing sports I have felt the zone but only few times. Its like adrenaline and happiness together, and if you are not used to “zone” its like your body can’t handle it for long period of time. Is it weird? I haven’t felt the zone feeling for very long time, and I haven’t felt it in other areas of life but I know the glimpse of how it feels and its addicting. Hope to feel it someday again.


What's Up, I'm Jon Anthony

Women. Fitness. Money. I’ll help you achieve it.

After dropping out of college to pursue my dreams, I started this blog as a way to help other men do the same.

What started off as a fun hobby, grew into a full-scale 6-figure business that’s changing the lives of men worldwide.

Important Notice:

Jon Anthony, my friend and the author of Masculine Development has unfortunately passed away. 

This is a backup of the website managed by me LifeMathMoney.

I intend to keep this website live as long as I can to preserve my friend’s legacy and memory.

Rest in Power my friend. 

You will be missed.

P.S. If someone wants to get in touch, you can do so here.


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