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Top 5 Best Natural Male Enhancement Supplements


best natural male enhancement supplements masculine development

Anyone who’s been reading my blog for a while knows that I’ve wasted literally thousands of dollars on male enhancement supplements.

…and supplements claiming to increase my libido, make my loads bigger, or give me a harder boner are no exception.

Every company claims that they have the best natural male enhancement supplements, but very few are actually worth your time.

I also worked at a supplement store for a while, and got to try all kinds of testosterone boosters, amplifiers, increasers, and enhancers (whatever the fuck that even means).

The one lesson that I’ve carried with me to this day is that most supplements are complete garbage. Especially when it comes to sex.

Marketers know that men will shell out all kinds of money to get a bigger dick, to last longer, or to cum buckets; so they spin a bunch of medical-sounding jargon and slap a picture of some hot girl on their pill bottle and charge you $89.99 for a 30 day supply.

Don’t fall for the hype. Almost all of the supplements that I recommend here are less than $10 per month, and they work 5x better.


Male Enhancement Supplements to Avoid

male enhancement supplements to avoid black ant
This shit will give you a fucking migraine

Half of the battle is knowing what NOT to waste your money on.

In a world where 99% of supplement companies market their products as being the “best natural male enhancement supplements on the market!” you need to know what to avoid.

First off, if you want to learn how to last longer in bed using male enhancement supplements, avoid anything that says “proprietary blend,” in it.

This is just a legal way for them to not disclose the dosage of ingredients in their supplements so that they can make it 95% filler and still legally say that there’s “Deer Antler,” or whatever the fuck in it.

Second off, avoid everything with the following words in it:

  • Test
  • Freak
  • Hyper
  • 1000x
  • Extreme
  • Max
  • Premium

99% of the products with these words are loaded with corn starch or some other filler. While it’s not always true, it’s usually the case.

lecithin benefits for men test freak

Yeah, see that stuff right there? That’s the type of stuff you should avoid. It’s all marketing and hype with no actual quality ingredients.

Now, onto what actually works. In my experience, the following products are the best natural male enhancement supplements on the market.


L-Arginine (Harder Erections)

l arginine male enhancement supplements

L-Arginine is a precursor to nitric oxide, which dilates your blood vessels (aka gives you an erection), so taking L-Arginine is basically like a natural Viagra.

Taking L-Arginine every day will make your dick noticeably harder in under a week.

In my opinion, it’s easily one of the best natural male enhancement supplements out there.

Not only is it going to make your dick harder, but it’s also good for your blood pressure and circulation.

You probably don’t care too much about that, though.

The first time I took L-Arginine was when I was 19 years old. I’d just moved off to college and was excited to finally be able to pull girls without my parents breathing down my neck.

So, I did what any logical college student would do: try out a bunch of supplements to learn how to get laid on Tinder.

Within a week, after banging girls on Tinder and taking this stuff, my dick had grown by about half an inch. “What the fuck?” I thought.

After doing some research, I found out that a lot of guys dicks have hidden potential to be a lot bigger, but because their circulation isn’t 100% they never reach their full erect length.

In other words, because you need strong blood flow to get a fully erect penis, you won’t reach your maximum “penis size” so to speak, without having that blood flow.

This is the idea behind building a , for example. It’s packed with ingredients that boost nitric oxide, and in turn, slightly increase the size of your penis.

Now, don’t go around thinking that your dick will grow by 15 inches or some other nonsense, because it won’t.

…but that being said, L-Arginine can probably add another half inch or so to your erect penis size. It did for me, at least.

So, it’s definitely worth a try. I still take it and my girls definitely notice a difference. Just one pill with breakfast works fine.


Sunflower Lecithin (Bigger Loads)

soya lecithin benefits male enhancement supplements

“I want you to cum on my face,” she said.

This girl had been giving me head for a good 10 minutes, and oh my God, I was ready to bust.

I didn’t tell her that I’d been taking this stuff for around a week, because to be honest I didn’t think it would make that much of a difference. But holy fuck was I wrong.

“Oh my god,” she said. “My face is covered.”

“Uhh…yeah….sorry,” I said through gasping breaths. I was about ready to pass out.

“Um. Wow. This is the most that a guy’s ever came on me…can I take a shower to wash it out of my hair?”

“Yeah,” I mumbled, drooped over my bed, half unconscious.

As she shuffled into my bathroom, I darted across my room to my supplement cabinet and swallowed another two pills.

“Holy fuck, this stuff works.” I couldn’t believe it. I’d just came more than most professional porn stars.

From then on, this was my favorite supplement for increasing the size of your loads. This is easily one of the best natural male enhancement supplements on the market when it comes to increasing semen volume.

I take 2-3 pills a day with food, and drink a whole bunch of water throughout the day.

This will increase the effects; rather than cumming globs you’ll cum ropes. Seriously, I know it sounds ridiculous, but it’s that strong.

The way sunflower lecithin works, is it provides your body with the exact nutrients it needs to make cum… so obviously, you’ll make more of it.

In addition to this, if you also combine Sunflower Lecithin with lots of water and a ton of celery, it’ll amplify the effects.


Zinc (Higher Testosterone)

zinc benefits for men

Zinc is required to create testosterone, and since most mens diets are deficient in zinc, supplementing zinc is absolutely crucial for optimal testosterone levels.

In fact, just taking Zinc by itself has been proven to boost your testosterone levels by anywhere from 20-40% depending on the studies.

Zinc will also make your dick harder, increase your libido, and increase your seminal volume (the size of your loads).

It’s also pretty cheap—I’d recommend taking just one pill a day, because the stuff is potent.

It will increase your testosterone, which has a whole host of benefits.

I personally started to notice a difference in just under a week, but you’ll have to see how fast it works for you.

Due to its cheapness, and effectiveness at building testosterone, zinc is one of the best natural male enhancement supplements available.


Maca (Everything)

maca benefits for men

“Ugh, gross. This stuff is fucking disgusting,” I gagged as I chugged down a glass of water mixed with Maca.

“Eww, god that’s nasty,” it left a HORRIBLE aftertaste. But I’m used to nasty powders and potions. I’ll take anything to improve my health.

“Okay, well she gets here in a couple of hours, let’s see how well it works,” I said to myself.

I sat down at my laptop and browsed around online to pass the time. After about an hour I noticed something weird.

“What the fuck?” I said. I literally got a boner out of nowhere. I wasn’t even looking at porn or anything. In fact, I was doing NoFap.

“Okay, I guess this stuff is pretty good.” 15 minutes later, 30 minutes later, 45 minutes later…my boner wouldn’t go down.

“What the hell, I’ve had a boner for like an hour – when is this going to go down?”

I wasn’t even looking at anything erotic; I was watching South Park and my fucking erection would NOT go away.

“Here,” she texted me. My booty call had arrived.

We went up to my room and I was so horny that I pinned her against the wall and started biting her neck; she didn’t seem to have any problem with this.

I then proceeded to fuck her for a solid 45 minutes before cumming. “Okay, this stuff definitely works,” I thought.

The reason that Maca works so well is that it’s an adaptogenic herb. This means that it naturally fills in any hormonal “gaps,” so to speak, that you may have.

In other words, it minimizes stress on your body and increases resistance to environmental or microbial threats.

This is why, in my opinion, maca is one of the best natural male enhancement supplements on the market.

Just taking this stuff once a day will have a noticeable effect on your libido and stamina. The result is a much stronger, healthier, hornier you.

WARNING: Don’t take Maca pills. They’re way weaker.

Yeah the powder is pretty gross, but it’s worth it. Trust me—you’ll be thankful when you make your girlfriend cum four times.


Horny Goat Weed (Harder Erections)

best male enhancement supplements horny goat weed

Horny Goat Weed is similar to L-Arginine in that they both give you rock hard erections, but each work in different ways.

Whereas L-Arginine is a precursor to nitric oxide, Horny Goat Weed’s active ingredient (icariin) have PDE-5 inhibiting effects, thus preventing the breakdown of cGMP.

If that doesn’t make any sense to you, don’t worry—here’s all you need to know. Horny Goat Weed will make your dick harder, stronger, and more vascular.

It’s easily one of the best natural male enhancement supplements of all time. In fact, ancient cultures from South America have been using it for thousands of years.

Seriously, the first time I used this stuff in conjunction with L-Arginine I felt like my dick was about to explode.

Not in a bad way, but it was just so pumped up.

This is another one of those gross powders, but again, it’s worth it—if you really can’t stomach it, just mix it with some OJ or take the pill form.


All 5 Best Male Enhancement Supplements

When you take these supplements individually, they’re very powerful.

…but when you combine them all together, it’s a whole different story.

Here is my personal male enhancement supplements routine, to get a bigger dick, bigger loads, and to last longer:

  • Upon Waking: 2 capsules of L-Arginine and 1 capsule of Sunflower Lecithin.
  • Shortly after rising, mix 1tsp Maca and 1tsp Horny Goat Weed in a glass of water and pound it down.
    • This stuff will ENERGIZE you so it’s best to take it in the morning and without food so that it hits you fast.
  • With Lunch: 1 capsule of Sunflower Lecithin
  • With Dinner: 1 capsule of Sunflower Lecithin
  • Before bed: 1 tablet of Zinc
    • Zinc is best taken before you go to sleep, because it boosts growth hormone and testosterone production while you sleep.

Overall, these are the best natural male enhancement supplements on the market. Taken individually, they’re powerful. But taken together? That’s a whole different story.


Male Enhancement Supplement Tips

First off, learn how to fuck a girl well.

Seriously. If you have the technique down, and you use these supplements, you’ll give her the best orgasms of her entire life.

I recommend you read my review of the Sex God Method, because it lays down the framework to give women incredible sex.

You can also eat a stalk of celery every morning, too. Pornstar legend Peter North supposedly did this every day to increase the size of his loads.

I’ve tried it, and it seems to work pretty well.

Be sure to drink a lot of water with these supplements; the more water you drink the more you will cum.

Look into doing kegels as a way to increase the intensity and duration of your orgasms, as well. I’ve written about them before on this blog, so take a look around the archives and I’m sure you’ll find it.


Conclusion: The Best Sex Supplements

There’s a whole bunch of supplements marketed really well, claiming to make you into a sex god. Yeah, right—95% of it is absolute bullshit.

That being said, 5% of them actually do work. It’s just about sorting through all of the marketing scams and lies.

In my opinion, the products listed in this article are some of the best natural male enhancement supplements out there.

If you really do your research, you’ll find that the best supplements are actually simple, pure ingredients like the ones outlined in this article.

If you buy anything from this article, I would recommend the Sunflower Lecithin—it’s probably the most effective supplement on this list. Ultimately, it’s up to you though.

If you have any suggestions or recommendations for male enhancement supplements, let me know. I love trying out new stuff.

As always, I hope you guys enjoyed the article, and I’ll see you next time around.

Frequently Asked Questions
❓ What's The Best Natural Alternative To Viagra?

Viagra works by increasing the nitric oxide in your blood, so a good natural alternative to Viagra would be taking L-Arginine. This is an amino acid, which is a precursor to nitric oxide. In other words, L-Arginine naturally has the same effect as Viagra, without the side effects.

❓ How Do You Increase The Size Of Your Loads?

The best way to increase the size of your loads is to take lecithin supplements each day. In fact, I'd say that lecithin is one of the best male enhancement supplements out there, because it drastically increases the semen production in your body.

❓ What's The Best Male Enhancement Supplement?

The best male enhancement supplement will vary depending on what you want. If you want to last longer in bed, consider trying kratom out, or potentially some kegels. If you want to get larger loads, try taking some maca and lecithin each day.

To get harder erections, taking horny goat weed and L-Arginine will work great. L-Arginine will naturally increase your body's nitric oxide levels, which means it has a similar effect as Viagra, without any of the side effects.

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2 years ago

One more Penis Enhancement Supplement available which is very much effective and I used it personally. You can try this one too in your penis enhancement routine.

Peter North
3 years ago

I just wanted to personally thank you for promoting me, as well as the supplements . It is true that horny goat weed does produce stronger erections. The only side effect is that when you travel, and you happen to walk by a farm where there are goats , they will all try and hump your legs, constantly . Btw , it’s not a stalk of celery every morning , it’s actually spinach and kale . Thank you . All the best : Peter North .

3 years ago

Does pygeum work as good as Lecithin? Also Will l-citrulline give the same results as l-arginine?

3 years ago
Reply to  Alex

Also waiting to hear on this along with the dosage amounts he recommends

4 years ago

Hi! Great suggestions! Could you please give the dosage per day for each in mg?? (eg 1000mg maca, 2000mg lecithin etc.) Thank You!!!

7 years ago

Any kind of maca powder in particular you recommend?

7 years ago
Reply to  Jon Anthony

Awesome, thank you. I actually got that kind, but not the raw version. Hasnt been doing wonders yet, but ill switch to raw i think.

Daniel V San Juan
7 years ago

Is there any side effects if I follow your routine while im IF?intermittent fasting…
im here in saudi and there is no possible way to have sex here, is there any problem if i dont release (no fap)

6 years ago
Reply to  Jon Anthony

Jon, i purchased this Zinc supplement with 50mg you recommended but do you think the dosage is good for daily intake…

Jon Anthony
6 years ago
Reply to  Daniel

50mg is fine.

7 years ago

Do you the mechanism that Sunflower Lecithin uses to increase load size? Also, do you have any evidence other than your own personal experience? Just curious.

7 years ago

Zinc and L-Arginine are the ones I have heard of and your knowledge in this domain is unparalleled. I’m skeptical about using soy lecithins though. They say that soy products mimic estrogen properties in our bodies and develop boobies over a course of time. Your opinion?

7 years ago

Have you ever experiment some kind of liver problems with this stuff. I read a lot about them, but the only thing from the list that could cause live problems is L-ARGININE though it´s very unlikely.


What's Up, I'm Jon Anthony

Women. Fitness. Money. I’ll help you achieve it.

After dropping out of college to pursue my dreams, I started this blog as a way to help other men do the same.

What started off as a fun hobby, grew into a full-scale 6-figure business that’s changing the lives of men worldwide.

Important Notice:

Jon Anthony, my friend and the author of Masculine Development has unfortunately passed away. 

This is a backup of the website managed by me LifeMathMoney.

I intend to keep this website live as long as I can to preserve my friend’s legacy and memory.

Rest in Power my friend. 

You will be missed.

P.S. If someone wants to get in touch, you can do so here.


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