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How to Make Natural Viagra For Men: 7 Key Ingredients


how to make natural viagra

What’s up, guys. Recently I’ve been playing around with different “natural Viagra” recipes. I already know how to last 45 minutes in bed, so the next logical question is: how do I increase my ability to fuck multiple times, and stay hard?

Well, I’ve tried plenty of pharmaceutical drugs before, and I’m not gonna lie, they work pretty well. Both Viagra and Cialis are extremely effective at giving you harder erections and increasing your “rebound” ability. But what if you can’t afford to buy Viagra from sketchy offshore pharmacies that you don’t necessarily trust?

Or what if you just don’t want to keep putting pharmaceutical drugs into your system? What if you just want a natural Viagra? Well, if that’s you, you’re in luck, because I’ve recently fine tuned a formula that will keep your dick hard for hours on end.

This isn’t going to be a long, in depth article like most of my usual ones. Instead, I’m just going to focus on giving you the cold hard facts without any fluff.


Natural Viagra Ingredients

natural viagra beets benefits

Now, if you want to get a prescription to Viagra, check out .

BUT, assuming you don’t want to use pharmaceutical Viagra, or maybe you just can’t get a prescription, this is a great alternative.

First, I will give a brief list of ingredients that I use in my cocktail. Then I’ll explain each one in depth, and where I get them from.

The formula consists of two components: plants and powders.

First you’re going to use a juicer to extract juice from the plants, then you’re going to mix certain powders into the juice. It’s actually pretty simple.


The Natural Viagra Recipe

Okay, you want the recipe? Well here it is:

That’s the basic recipe. We’re going to discuss additional things that you could add (for larger loads, more stamina, etc.) later on, but for now let’s focus on this basic natural Viagra cocktail.


How to Make Natural Viagra

First things first, you’re going to need a high quality juicer—if you don’t have one, I recommend this one right here. Once you’ve got your juicer, it’s time to make our natural Viagra cocktail.

First, put in 3 cups of watermelon chunks. I recommend putting them in slowly to get the maximum amount of juice extracted. Then, put in the 2 large beets. Be sure to chop them up into smaller chunks. Third, throw in the 4 cloves of garlic, and finally, the small chunk of ginger.

The garlic and ginger will add a bit of a zing to the juice, but they’re both phenomenal for increasing hardness and stamina of erections. As a side note, if you really want to perform well in bed, consider also boosting your testosterone and following a good workout routine.

Okay—so you’ve got your juice made, now it’s time to add the powders. They’re virtually flavorless, so literally just measure them out and throw them in there. The powders that I recommend come with little spoons so that you know exactly how much to give yourself. Stir it all up and enjoy!

I recommend drinking this cocktail 1-2 hours before sex.


Natural Viagra Benefits

viagra blue pills

Now, it’s time to get a little bit more in depth. Each of these ingredients was chosen for a specific reason; I’m not just throwing things at the wall, willy-nilly, trying to see what sticks. I’m using a formula that’s tried and true, that acts as a natural Viagra.


Watermelon Benefits

According to WebMD, Watermelon is basically a natural Viagra by itself. It contains an amino acid known as citrulline, which dilates and relaxes your blood vessels (aka gives you a harder, longer lasting erection). As a side note, this is also what they put in high quality pre-workouts, to pump up your muscles.

That’s also why the very first ingredient in this mix is a whopping 3 cups of watermelon chunks. And not only is it a natural Viagra, but it’s pretty delicious, too.


Beets Benefits

Beets contain nitrates, which your body converts into nitric oxide, a chemical which also dilates blood vessels. This combined with watermelon ensures that your penis gets a whopping dose of blood-vessel dilation, leading to harder and stronger erections.

Beets are also incredibly effective at increasing athletic performance; they not only improve blood flow to your penis, but also to your muscles. If you ever want to have a killer workout at the gym, don’t bother with C4 (which is a mediocre pre-workout). Just take some beets instead!


Garlic Benefits

Garlic gives this natural Viagra cocktail a bit of a punch, but that’s not all it does. It also contains allicin, which has been shown to improve blood flow specifically to the genitals.

To get the maximum benefit, garlic should be consumed a few times a week, but putting it into this juice is a great way to do it, too.


Ginger Benefits

Ginger has been prized as a libido enhancing root for millenia. And although scientists aren’t exactly sure how it works, they’ve speculated that a compound known as Gingerol is the active ingredient.

Gingerol has been shown to improve circulation and dilate blood vessels, which makes it a natural Viagra. Just having a shot of ginger juice 30 minutes before sex is enough to give you harder and longer lasting erections…combine it with everything else here, though? We’ve got something on a-whole-nother-level.


L-Arginine Benefits

L-Arginine is, hands down, one of the best supplements for better sex. It’s been shown to have a very positive effect on blood circulation, which equates to more blood going to your penis (aka a stronger erection).

I recommend that you use Bulk Supplement’s powdered form. I’ve had great results with this, and powder is way cheaper than pills (plus you can mix it into your drink!).


Yohimbine-HCL Benefits

Although we’re not exactly sure how it works, Yohimbine-HCL is one of the best natural ingredients to cure erectile dysfunction and give you a stronger, harder penis. Scientists aren’t sure exactly how it works, but it’s been shown to enhance blood flow to the genitals, and to increase the nerve impulses to the penis.

I recommend Powder City’s Yohimbine-HCL. It’s incredibly potent! Just one bag of the stuff has literally 1,000 servings in it, so it’s inexpensive and super effective.


Niacin Benefits

Niacin, otherwise known as vitamin B3, has a plethora of benefits. Aside from being a natural Viagra, it’s also great for your heart, it decreases your risk of heart disease by lowering cholesterol, and it even helps reduce atherosclerosis in some people.

I recommend using Bulk Supplement’s powdered form, because of its ease to stir into the juice.


My Experience With This Natural Viagra

old man happy from viagra

I didn’t discover this natural Viagra cocktail at first—in fact, it took a lot of trial and error. The first cocktail that I started out with, however, was watermelon and beet juice. Just this stuff was enough to give me a noticeably more powerful erection, but you guys know me. I don’t like to stop at just “better,” I want to get to the “best.”

So I started experimenting with all sorts of different plants, pills, potions, and powders to see what worked; and do you know what? Most of it doesn’t work.

I’ve said this before multiple times on my blog, but I’ll say it again: 99% of supplements are a complete waste of your time.

The stuff in this natural Viagra cocktail works wonders, though. It’s all backed by ample research, evidence, and self-testing. Personally I find that when I consume this cocktail 1-2 hours before having sex, my erections are WAY harder, and I don’t have difficulty being able to go 3-4 times.

Even if you don’t have erectile dysfunction, this is still a great way to get an edge in the bedroom. If you have erectile dysfunction, this juice will make you normal. If you’re normal, it will make you a stud. Protip: use the sex god method to make her have mind-shattering orgasms, again and again.


Addons and More!

ginger natural viagra benefits

As I said before, there’s plenty of things that you can add to this cocktail. It all depends on your goal, however.

If you want to increase the volume of your loads, consider adding some Soy Lecithin powder in there and mixing it up.

If you want to have a higher sex drive, consider adding in some Maca Root powder.

And if you want to ease anxiety and last longer in bed, consider using kratom in conjunction with this cocktail. The shit works absolute WONDERS.


Bigger Loads: Soy Lecithin Powder

Soy Lecithin powder is easily one of the best male enhancement supplements for increasing the size of your loads. No joke, this stuff will make you cum like a porn star (you have to take it regularly for the greatest benefit, in which case I recommend you get pills).

If you want to use it with this natural Viagra cocktail, however, feel free to get the powdered form right here. Just sprinkle a teaspoon into your juice and you’ll be good to go.


Higher Libido: Maca Root Powder

I’ve been taking a teaspoon of maca root powder for as long as I can remember (probably since I was 16 or 17). It’s one of the few supplements that I still take to this day, because it’s just that effective.

This one isn’t going to work overnight (although it does have a noticeable short term effect). It’s best if you take it daily; then you’ll really start to notice a chance in a week or two.

I recommend that you use powder and not pills for this one. The reason being that a lot of pills are loaded with filler and have very little actual ingredients in it. This is not the case with a quality powder (like the one I recommend).


Last Longer: Kratom

Remember: I don’t endorse the consumption of Kratom, because that would be illegal! With this in mind, Kratom is one of the best ways to last longer in bed. I personally always use 3-4 grams before I have sex, because it lets me last at least 45 minutes.

For lasting longer, I recommend a slow strain of kratom; this will relax you more than a medium or fast strain, which is crucial to reducing bedroom anxiety and lasting longer.


Conclusion: The Best Natural Viagra For Men

In summary, this is probably the best natural Viagra in existence.

It’s packed with healthy vegetable juices that will give you hard, long lasting erections, and it’s got a few powders in it that’re meant to take your performance to a whole different level.

I recommend consuming it 1-2 hours before sex, but you can consume it daily for awesome health benefits. If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, shoot me a comment below.

Also if you have any recommendations, let me know! I love trying out new supplements to see which ones work. And, as always, I’ll see you guys next time.

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John A Wood
1 year ago

Have you thought of adding Apple cider Vinegar, it helps clean out your body like kidneys and others? I’m not sure it will help any, but I have notices in my case it helps me.

mmafan3 .
6 years ago

Damn, man..thanks!…Now I heard Yohimbine is nothing to f@@k with and should be taken sparingly. With the Maca taste, I’m sure the benefits outweigh the negative 😉 There is so much bullshit out here regarding ED cures, sex pills and quick fixes. Personally, I’m afraid to mess with the “major” pills..I’m squeamish about the side effects as well as losing sensitivity.

I prefer a natural approach as you are giving out in conjunction with a fitness regimen and healthier lifestyle choices. Ultimately, this is safer and more beneficial in the long run. The other consideration to take into account is that the system needs to absorb these nutrients over time to be beneficial and me, I like instant gratification lol. Yes, having pecs, delts is great, but can’t neglect the jimmy.

Jon Anthony
6 years ago
Reply to  mmafan3 .

Agreed, man. Also I’m tattooing that last quote on my face.

“Having pecs and delts is great, but you can’t neglect the Jimmy” lol

7 years ago

I’ve started taking maca powder like you recommended, and what I decided to do is buy and fill empty gelatin capsules with the powder. I just cannot deal with the taste man.

7 years ago

Good formula, sound science. But, 4 cloves of garlic before sex? I assume you’re talking about a girl that that you’re not having to approach and close the deal. The last thing I want to be consuming before hitting the club is garlic, much less 4 cloves of the stuff.

I think I’ll leave that out for now if sex is imminent. I get enough garlic in my diet otherwise.

8 years ago

Any experience taking this cocktail, or elements of it, with Viagra?

Charles Sledge
8 years ago

Very interesting. Will have to try this. One supplement other than maca root that I have found to have a huge impact on this area is zinc.

8 years ago
Reply to  Charles Sledge

Agree on zinc also. Have also seen a big impact. A key nutrient to keeping your Testosterone level healthy.

Michael Adams
8 years ago
Reply to  Jon Anthony

As we age, we do not absorb zinc as well as we did in earlier years. Zinc sublingual tabs, and Cold Eze, are absorbed through the buccal mucosa, rather than the digestive tract, and will thus be more effective, for the over-fifty crowd. (Yes, there is still fucking after fifty.)


What's Up, I'm Jon Anthony

Women. Fitness. Money. I’ll help you achieve it.

After dropping out of college to pursue my dreams, I started this blog as a way to help other men do the same.

What started off as a fun hobby, grew into a full-scale 6-figure business that’s changing the lives of men worldwide.

Important Notice:

Jon Anthony, my friend and the author of Masculine Development has unfortunately passed away. 

This is a backup of the website managed by me LifeMathMoney.

I intend to keep this website live as long as I can to preserve my friend’s legacy and memory.

Rest in Power my friend. 

You will be missed.

P.S. If someone wants to get in touch, you can do so here.


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