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Bumble Hookup Guide: How I Banged 3 Girls in Just 1 Week

bumble hookup guide

If you want to hookup with girls on Bumble, then this will be the last guide you need—I do not speak lightly when I say this, gentlemen.

I’ve been an avid user of online dating over the past five years, and I’ve cracked the code… systematized the process, so that you don’t have to.

In this article, I will present you with the exact A-Z process I used to get 7 new numbers in just 24 hours, and 3 lays in just 1 week from Bumble.

So, sit back, relax, and get ready for the ultimate Bumble hookup guide.

How to Get Laid on Bumble

The process that we’re going to use to get laid on Bumble will be similar to my Tinder hookup process—with one absolutely critical difference.

On Bumble, the girls message you first. This makes it an incredibly unique dating app, where for once, the woman has to take the initiation.

We’ll talk about how this changes the dating dynamic and also makes it easier to get laid on Bumble, but for now, here’s the plan.

There’s basically 4 steps to get laid on Bumble:

  1. Design Your Profile
  2. Swipe Properly
  3. Get Her Number
  4. Hookup in Person

Each of these steps is far more complicated than you think, but I’m going to explain the nuances for each step, so you can get laid in no time.

Design A Profile Women Want

bumble profile example

This is BY FAR the most important step to get laid on Bumble, and unfortunately, it’s the step that guys fucking IGNORE the most!

Take a look at the image above—those are some pictures from my actual Bumble profile. Imagine what a girl would think as she sees that.

Immediately, I’m with another pretty girl—so that makes her feel safe (it shows I’m not a serial killer). I’m also jacked, and might even be a DJ.

Having a good profile on Bumble (or any dating app) is more important than ANYTHING else—you will NOT get laid with a bad profile.

Your profile should communicate three things:

  1. Looks
  2. Money
  3. Status

I know, I know—it’s fucking shallow, but who cares? Women judge men on dating apps for looks, money, and status, just like we judge them, too.

Now, let’s get a bit more in-depth and talk about how to design the perfect profile for Bumble, so you can start hooking up with girls.

Optimize Looks

If you want to get laid on Bumble, this is the most important step—you need a profile that makes women want to sleep with you based on looks.

Go read my Looksmaxing Guide and apply that advice—even if you don’t think you’re attractive, it will help you make the most of what you’ve got.

You want your profile to make girls stop and think “wow, he’s hot”—because otherwise you’re just another fish in an endless sea of more fish.

If you’re jacked, have some pictures showing that off, too. Girls literally open me talking about how jacked I am (see the screenshots for proof).

I recommend my Body of an Alpha routine if you want to get a Greek God physique as fast as humanly possible, so be sure to check that out.

Optimize Status

Female hypergamy dictates that women are attracted to “high status” men, or in other words, men at the top of the social hierarchy.

So, how does one convey this? Several ways:

  • High Pre-Selection
  • Suit & Tie Events
  • Wealth & Money
  • Status by Association

I aim to have at least one “high status” picture in my Bumble profile, like me in a suit and tie at a conference event, or something of that nature.

This shows girls that you’re ambitious, have drive, and have potential—and even if she only wants to hookup, it’s still attractive to women.

Optimize Money

Now, you have to be careful with this one—while most women do like men who have a bit of cash, you don’t want to attract a gold digger.

If you’re just looking for hookups on Bumble though, then by all means, flex as much cash as possible (without coming off as a fuck boy).

This doesn’t mean to have profile pictures with you holding up cash like a gangster—just having a nice car, or showing you traveling is good.

Swipe Properly

Now, this may confuse some guys, because in my Tinder guide, I said to swipe right on EVERYONE—this is not the case with Bumble.

With Bumble, you’ll match with less women, but all of the matches you get will be higher quality matches, so you want to screen them hard.

Don’t spend too long looking at each profile, though. With online dating apps, the name of the game is speed, so remember that.

You should be able to swipe through 100 profiles in under 2-3 minutes, and the filter settings that Bumble has will help with this even more.

Get Her Number

The thing that makes Bumble so unique when compared to other online dating apps, is that with this one, women open YOU first.

This is why Bumble hookups are often times higher quality, because the frame is “she has to put in some work” right from the start.

99% of guys fuck up their odds of getting laid from bumble in between her opening you, and you getting her number—so this is key.

The biggest thing here is if you did the work with your PROFILE, and made yourself look attractive, everything else will fall into place.

I mean, look at these conversations for Christ’s sake. Girls literally open me complimenting me on my muscles. Do you see how easy that is?

I’m telling you guys, do my Body of an Alpha Routine, post some pictures of you being jacked, and you’ll slay more pussy than a cat murderer.

Hookup in Person

If you’re on Bumble for dating, then good for you—but if you’re trying to just hookup with a ton of hot women, then you want to do it ASAP.

Girls can sense if you’re a beta orbiter who she can just string along on a bunch of dates before she sleeps with you (if she does at all).

So, you want to try to fuck on the first date. If she doesn’t want to, then obviously that’s fine, but you should at least shoot your shot for it.

I usually invite a girl over to “watch Netflix,” or to “hang out,” because even the dumbest of girls knows this means we’ll probably hookup.

Once you’re both hanging out, it’s only a matter of looking for indicators of interest, escalating, and learning how to kiss a girl smoothly.

Tips & Tricks

The first thing here with Bumble, is that just like Tinder and all other dating apps, if you want to match with girls, your PROFILE must be good.

Again, I know this is shallow—but your matches have nothing else to judge you on, aside from this. We judge them on their profiles, right?

Once you have a good profile, everything else falls into place. From here it’s a matter of simply being smooth, and taking each match seriously.

With Tinder, it’s much more of a numbers game. Now, don’t get me wrong, getting hookups on Bumble is, too—just not as much as Tinder.

Want A Full Bumble Guide?

This guide to bumble hookups will absolutely get you laid with tons of hot women if you’re willing to apply the advice and put in the work.

If you want to take things to the next level, however, consider checking out my 7 Strategies Program—it’s transformed thousands of mens’ lives.

Here’s some of what you’ll get in the 7 Strategies Program:

  • 10x Your Attractiveness to Women
  • The Complete “Online Dating” Blueprint
  • How to Re-Program Your Unconscious Mind
  • Rock Solid, Unstoppable Confidence
  • …and much, much more!

If you’re not convinced, just go to that page and check out the testimonials of what other men are saying. Then you’ll see.

Anyways, if you have any questions about how to hookup on Bumble, just let me know down below—happy hunting, and I’ll see you next time!

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3 years ago

Heres the deal. Getting a girls number is easy. They will hand it out to anyone that asks for it. The real question is, when its time to sh!t or get off the pot, are these girls actually meeting up and having sex with you, without them flaking or ghosting????

3 years ago

Ok we’ll how is this supposed to work out when you are an introverted guy? I’m only like a 6/10 looks, 5’9, I don’t go out much and do DJ’s or paddleboarding. I just don’t care about social status. I care about genuine bahvior and someone who can understand a deep thinker such as myself. I often get misunderstood or get called weird/creepy when I have nothing but good intentions.

3 years ago
Reply to  Justin

Socialize a bit in your interests and let people know you are looking for companionship. They’ll screen the type. Say you are at a Home Depot class, interesting woman. Give her your # in case she has a friend or lucky you is single. I’m not available but routinely pass men’s #s to friends who are,

Todd Jamon
3 years ago

Yes, I totally agree. How do I get older women, they aren’t on bumble. I’ve been masturbating to my mom since I was thirteen and I saw her dump-truck unloading in the shower. Help me Jon how do I find women like my mother but not my mother cuz that’s weird. The bosoms of older women have always comforted me and turned me on simultaneously. Which dating site will allow me to lose my virginity to a grandma?

3 years ago
Reply to  Todd Jamon

go touch grass, man.

Benjamin Recalde
2 years ago
Reply to  Todd Jamon

You’re sick bruh, go to a therapist.

4 years ago

hi jon, thanks for the article! any tips in the opposite direction (how girls can show a guy they’re interested in hooking up if he’s unclear about what he wants or the chat is just too slow?)

4 years ago

Hi Jon,

I know you said something about showing off your money and you also said something about not attracting gold diggers. I’m not particularly rich and I don’t want to attract gold diggers. However, I would still like to get laid on Tinder and Bumble. Is there anything I can substitute a money picture with or is there any advice towards getting around that?


4 years ago

You said something in the article about not flaunting your wealth and coming off as a fckboy. But I am getting these vibes off you. Nonetheless, I am very jealous of your confidence! Shoot me an email Jon

4 years ago

Jon, do you think it’s worth paying for the Superswipe function?

fortune k
4 years ago

hey jon,
im 16 yrs old, and the content I found was straight GOLD. your website help me alot. and i am really thankful for that. I want ALL of your programs, but I cant afford it. I will make sure I will get them ASAP!!!\

Much love,

4 years ago

Yes I’ve found better quality on bumble lately. Tinder in my area has completely gone down the gutter. Nothing but chicks farming for their Instagram and trannys lol.

4 years ago

I love this highlighter stuff when you scroll!! What are the odds you do an article of how to level up your social status? Great article:)

4 years ago
Reply to  Jon Anthony

Coolio, and do u think you’d write an article on leveling up social status?

4 years ago

Gonna have to disagree here. There may be more quality women on bumble but there are also way more jacked, low body fat dudes on bumble by far. A ripped natty or SARM physique just isn’t going to get dudes consistent results from bumble in a big city (NY, LA, etc) anymore. I know this because I’ve tried it myself and stopped getting matches 5/10 or above after the first week


What's Up, I'm Jon Anthony

Women. Fitness. Money. I’ll help you achieve it.

After dropping out of college to pursue my dreams, I started this blog as a way to help other men do the same.

What started off as a fun hobby, grew into a full-scale 6-figure business that’s changing the lives of men worldwide.

Important Notice:

Jon Anthony, my friend and the author of Masculine Development has unfortunately passed away. This is a backup of the website managed by me LifeMathMoney.

Jon was extremely bright, intelligent, friendly, and kind. One of those rare big hearted people who truly wanted to help others.

I intend to keep this website live as long as I can to preserve my friend’s legacy and memory.

Rest in Power my friend.

You will be missed.

P.S. If someone wants to get in touch, you can do so here.


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