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How to Make A Girl Horny – The Ultimate Guide (2024)

how to make a girl horny featured image brunette woman

I walked in to her apartment, I saw the glow in her eyes, she looked super happy to see me.

“How are you doing babe?” She asked. I looked in to her eyes and said, “You have to stop doing that.” After I kissed her. And she laughed and said, “Doing what? Looking at your sexy body?”

“No, I mean you have to stop being so fucking cute. It’s sending blood to certain regions and I can’t do that right now.”

She said, “I don’t want to stop.” Looking at me seductively. Then I walked in to her space. Looked at her lips.

Walking towards the wall as she backed up against it, I continued looking at her lips, then I said, “Tempting. But I’m hungry. Let’s eat first.” Then walking away from her.

She pulled me back and we started making out. Can you guess what happened after that? :-))

Making A Girl Horny – Fundamentals

First and foremost, understand that making a girl horny requires you to drop expectations. You can’t expect anything from women. It requires you to let the thought go of getting laid.

Women pick up on neediness extremely fast. The less you care the better. The less expectations, the better. The more you care, the more she senses it. This is critical.

The second point on how to make a girl horny is using takeaways makes all the difference. This shows non-neediness and it spikes desire.

I said, “Tempting, but I’m hungry, let’s eat first.” Then I walked towards the kitchen. This is a clever move to aways use. I’ll cover this in a little bit.

Did I mention that takeaway got her frustrated? Emotions. Always go for the EMOTIONS. Sometimes negative emotions can lead to passionate angry sex.

Do you see how this works as opposed to being needy and thirsty? First point to make a girl horny. Drop expectations. Second point, use takeaways. This is super powerful.

How To Build Sexual Tension

READ MORE: 4 Steps to Give Her AMAZING Sex (DEVI Method)

Never go from zero to 100 with women. Meaning, don’t get too sexual at first. That’s not cool, nor is it sexy. Women open up slowly. You must make her want it first.

The most important rule to building sexual tension fast is actually something that men ignore and should NEVER ignore.

You must make her want it before you actually go for it. That’s number fucking one.

Get her wanting your sexy handsome self. Get her wanting sex more than you.

Sexual arousal for women is more mental for women than it is for men. Get her feeling appreciated.

Another very important rule to building sexual tension is sparking that intense desire between the both of you that makes the girl horny.

How do you spark intense desire? Several ways, one of my favorites is banter. Get that back and forth going. Be playful, be fun, and bring her that strong masculine presence I know you have.

Eliminating The Sexual Brakes

Let’s say she tests you and says, “We aren’t having sex tonight.” Be ready for her to say this.

How would you respond? If you get mad, this raises her defenses even more. Essentially she has less sensitive accelerators because she put up the brakes.

So what’s the right way to pass this test? Never take it personally. Instead, you steal the frame my friend…

“Who says we are doing anything like that? I think you’re the one with the dirty mind. I’m innocent. I have rules to not have sex with girls I just meet at bars.”

This is the best way to handle the sexual brakes. Women often say this because they have their anti-slut defense mechanism.

If you want to get a girl horny, that means you know how to pass her shit tests and you don’t get mad over something small.

How to Make Women Horny Effortlessly

Talk seductively without mentioning sex. Look at her seductively without talking about sex. Start pushing her buttons playfully.

Start bantering brothers! Let’s get to one of the best bantering sequences you can ever use with women…

“What are you doing chick? I’m not okay with you being so cute! You are not on good terms with me. I’m just trying to be celibate. Honestly, you gotta stop doing this cute shit with your eyes.”

So. Fucking. Powerful. This is how to make a girl horny. Wanna get a girl wet? This is key. Women respond to sub-communications more than what you think.

Put this line in your back pocket. Remember that you’re state of mind going in to the interaction matters most. This is how to build powerful sexual tension.

Calibrate Entering Her Space

Another important newbie tip. Enter her space. Don’t be afraid to enter her personal space. Just don’t get too touchy with her at first. If you want to get a girl horny, this requires you to be bold. Be calibrated on how you do this.

A girl’s sex drive is based on how she reads your masculinity. She also reads you based on how comfortable you are. Entering her space is one of the most powerful sexual accelerators.

Something beautiful happens when you enter a woman’s space. She gets turned on. However, this requires you to BE COMFORTABLE IN YOURSELF.

A good state, being sexually comfortable, having a masculine vibe. This is how to build sexual desire. On top of powerful bold moves like entering her space… That’s hot.

No more watching porn for you when you start taking action on the ten ways to get women horny very fast! Let’s get down to business…

10 Ways To Make A Woman Horny

  1. Flirt with your eyes. Give her a sexy glance. Show her what you’re thinking but don’t verbalize it, unless you’re already there with her sexually.
  2. Look at her lips and put the hair behind her ear. Whisper sexy comments increases sexual pleasure. Women respond to language patterns. “I’m going to kiss you in twenty minutes.” Anticipation is everything. More on this later.
  3. Ask her sexually qualifying questions. “What’s your most exciting sexual fantasy?” “Don’t worry, your secret is safe with me.” Only ask these questions when you know she has the sexual appetite to express her desires and make SURE she’s comfortable with you.
  4. Get her to feel desired by expressing how much you are having so much fun while making out with her. That spontaneous desire is everything. Follow that up with sexual chemistry, its over :-))
  5. Escalate and takeaway. This one of the most powerful sexual accelerators to get a girl horny fast. Look in to her eyes then down to her lips, then look off in to the distance. That’s an example of escalate and takeaway. Less sensitive brakes when you use this. What does that mean? It means she will have zero resistance. It shows you know what you’re doing.
  6. Comfortably ask about her sex life. Have you noticed a theme on how to make a girl horny? You must be comfortable in yourself. “You have such a naughty side, don’t you? Don’t worry, I won’t tell anyone.” Then smirk at her. Look away. Like the non-needy pimp you are.
  7. Challenge her when you escalate. “Do you only know like ten sex positions?” This gets girls sexually aroused. This also builds sexual tension when you challenge her sexually.
  8. Playfully push her away without any negativity. The example from the beginning. “You have to stop doing that.” You want a playful tone. This triggers sexual frustration. Girls love fun, playful energy.
  9. Physical touch is your best friend. Give her playful hip bumps. Show sexy eye contact. And use touch to get the girl to feel desired.
  10. Solidify a powerful deep connection. “It’s crazy, I never meet girls in bars, especially ones I actually get along with, and connect with on a deep authentic level.” This technique seems cheesy to men, but for women, they have more sensitive brakes. Meaning, this eases her nerves.

Make Her Feel Desired Before Sealing The Deal

woman on table horny

READ MORE: 55+ Signs She’s Interested in You (The ULTIMATE List!)

Why bring this up? Why make her feel desired? Why not just make the girl horny? Why not build that sexual tension? You see, men forget the part where comfort matters. Too much value, not enough comfort, she will think you just want her for sex.

Instead of staring at her body parts, instead of looking at her long hair, instead of staring at the beautiful woman you are talking to, don’t stare. If she’s standing nearby a bar, and looks guarded with her body language, she gives you skeptical eye contact.

It’s time to do what most guys consider cheesy. I know, you don’t want to hear this. You just want to know all the ways to make a girl horny, but women can be super sensitive when they see you talking to other girls. You want the right balance between sensitive accelerators and sensitive brakes. Balance makes all the difference.

Not all women respond to what you respond to bro. What works is to make her feel desired. Express genuine appreciation. Here’s the important point…

Most players and fuck boys want to build sexual tension. They pay attention to the girl’s sex drive. That’s great, but sexual chemistry only happens when she FEELS desired.

Human desire is a requirement to get them horny. Especially when she see’s you with other women. Instead of paying attention to what you want…

Get her feeling that powerful connection to you. Women want to connect on a deep level. Then the sexual chemistry will be much more powerful. Look at her with your sexy eye contact. Create that bubble.

The Power Of Touch

It’s about to get dirty, so brace yourself. Without using the power of touch, you won’t make a girl horny. So it’s time that you get comfortable with touch. Women want to know you are comfortable and that you make no big deal talking about sex with her.

Enter her space as I said already, read her comfort first. Then if she’s not giving you any resistance, you’re good to go. Touch her when she’s laughing and feeling good. Look at her lips. If she looks at your lips, tell her, “It’s getting hot in here, let’s move over somewhere away from the bar.”

Masculinity leads, feminine follows. Remember that. You just took away attention from her lips. The likelihood of you two to start kissing increases way high. Ask her for her number here.

Increasing the tension and then getting her number afterwards, it’s guaranteed to stick. Leave on a high note. You want her putting in extra effort. Then, ask for her free time, get her qualifying, then leave on a high note.

When a woman is turned on and you increase the tension, getting her number will be effortless. All just from using the power of touch and increasing her responsive desire. Always leave women wanting more.

Maintaining Eye Contact Makes a Girl Horny

It’s time to cover one of the most effective ways to make a girl horny fast… And that is eye contact. This is arguably number one, next to building anticipation. No more sensitive brakes when you have good strong eye contact.

Less sensitive accelerators, more importantly, correctly respond to her sensitive brakes. Show her you can pass her test. Be chill, don’t take it personal if she declines. Want to never have this happen to you again?…

Here’s what you do, give her a very naughty look before you escalate and have your eyes do the talking. You have no idea what I’m going to do. That’s the look you want to give her. You know something she doesn’t. You can get a woman horny when you use the right eye contact.

Let’s say you have a partner. If you want to get your partner horny, maintaining eye contact while using touch is very fucking powerful to build fast attraction. Maintain your frame. What does that mean? It means you hold your frame.

Let’s say see she’s turned on, you’ve been flattering her, you’ve even flirted with her. She loves it. This is when you verbalize what you’re thinking…

“You don’t even want to know what I’m thinking of doing to you right now,” and give her a good, deep ‘tension glance’, mixed with a sly smirk. This is how to get her super turned on, I’m telling you! First hand experience, I’ve used this with PLENTY of women and they absolutely loved it!

Creating sexual tension will be effortless when you use touch. Get her feeling desired and then maintaining eye contact, FUCK, that’s hot. Escalate from here and maintain that sexy eye contact.

Building Anticipation

READ MORE: 5 Simple Steps to Get Laid on Tinder TONIGHT!

Have you ever heard of something called Storylines? It’s kind of advanced. Stay with me brothers. Use people in the environment around you and her as characters.

Tell her how jealous they are going to be. How they know how much of a dirty little girl she is deep down for you.

A story on how I built anticipation. I told her on a fancy date, “Let’s get the food to-go babe.” She gave me a REALLY dirty look. Like she knew what I was talking about.

I said to her, “I know what you’re thinking, I see the way you’re looking at me, bad girl. I would honestly pick you up and make out in the bathroom with you right now, but all these people are here, and they might get jealous, so we can’t.”

If you have a girlfriend, I suggest you steal this from me. The way you get your girlfriend horny is you use storylines. Create that bubble.

Use storylines as characters in the environment to build up anticipation. No sexual brakes when you build anticipation. This is what women respond to.

They get excited when you build anticipation. Woman like it when you can paint a picture in her mind, followed up with sensitive brakes. Meaning, you put a stop to the escalation.

How To Make Your Girlfriend Horny

What if I suggested to you to push the idea of sex away? How do you think your girlfriend would respond? It would definitely turn her on. This one is fucking evil. This one is damn good.

If you want to make your girlfriend horny, remember that balance between push/pull makes the interaction move forward. What do I mean by that? Push and then you pull. You know push pull right?

“It’s too bad you’re all dressed up in that nice outfit, or I’d totally have my way with you.”

“Are you trying to get me turned on right now? Nice try. I’m not that easy.”

She works for your approval. Fucking beautiful. Get her qualifying. Have you ever thought about telling a woman not to imagine what it would be like to get it on with you? I know, it’s evil, that’s why it WORKS.

“I don’t want you to think about me kissing you, or what would be like if I go down on you and then you put the pillow on your mouth, so my neighbors can’t hear you moan in ecstasy.”

Whisper that in your girlfriends ear. Get the girl horny. When you push the thought of sex away, it plays the opposite effect ;-))

No pun intended. Damn. That’s some shit. Use that responsibly.

Girls are sensual creatures my friends. Your language and how you use it, massive turn ons.

Foreplay Makes All The Difference

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This is when the body parts come out. This is when you stop watching tv, turn that shit off. No more Netflix. Get rid of the body hair down there.

Understand that half of sex is mental for girls, so if you want to make a girl horny, start kissing her first. I don’t suggest flattering her until you get her in the sheets. Why?

The hotter women are, the more they are immune to compliments. If you want to effectively flatter women, get her in the bedroom and give her the hottest escalation possible.

You do that by using storylines, push the idea of sex away, get her mind running on sex. Now it’s on, she wants you. This is what women want. For you to take the steering wheel.

Meaning, you lead her through her sexuality. How do you lead? Go through the ten ways to make a girl horny. Take action on every one and there should be no reason she shouldn’t be craving you.

Make out with her in the most passionate way you can. Then pull away before she does. Look in to her eyes, tell her, “Are you sure you’re ready for me?”

Playfully spank her, tell her she’s been bad. “You’ve been really bad. I don’t want to give you weekly chores around the house, so I challenge you to be as QUIET as possible when I go down on you.”

Give her powerful orgasms. How do you do that? Eat her out and it will be magical for her. Think of seduction like a spell. You create sexual tension by using the power of words, tension, and strong eye contact.

It’s not hard to get a woman horny, that is if you are sexually comfortable and you show her you know what you’re doing in the bedroom. Let’s say for instance this is a same night pull…

If you want to get her on the next date, give her the most memorable experience no man has ever given her. It means she’s turned on as fuck. It means she’s completely entranced by your seduction skills.

Get the girl to climax so that she grabs the bed sheets. You get the idea. I’m overdelivering with some good shit brothers.

How Do You Get a Girl Wet?

I mean, shit, if you’ve been implementing everything in this article, there’s no reason she shouldn’t already be extremely turned on. A girl gets wet from push pull, escalate and takeaway, building sexual tension, and you show masculinity in the bedroom.

This is how to make a girl horny fast. Did you know that having good sex is good for men’s health and testosterone? Here’s how you get her wet as fuck…

Get her so turned on by expressing how you understand her sexually. Sensitive accelerators such as foreplay and giving her a massage are both very powerful to warm her up.

Tell her how you want to have sex with her in the middle of foreplay. Tell her how it’s done. Have that powerful masculine vibe.

“I intend to give you the best head ever. Then I’m going to have my way with you.”

Then when it’s time to have sex, pull back and challenge her, “Not yet, I want more passion out of you. Let it out. Open up, and let’s make out more.”

Damn. She might get mad. But you know what? With the other’s clothes on the floor, you know by now, this is how to make a girl horny. This is how it works in real life. I’ll answer a few questions you might be thinking…

Is It Normal For Girls to Get Horny ONLY After Getting Started?

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Honestly, it depends on the woman and how open she is with her sexuality. You gotta be patient. Be harmless. Show her who’s in charge of the interaction. When you are masculine, and not to mention you are so damn confident in your own skin…

It will absolutely get girls turned on. But getting her horny only after just meeting her? I’d say this applies to girls who go out clubbing alone, they are looking for that hookup.

The minute you lay eyes on her, start dancing with her. Put your hands on her waist. Tell her, “You look like you’re having fun. Let’s move over here.”

Start leading, bring her to a spot where it’s just you two. And start dirty dancing. You’d be surprised by how much girls can and will get sexual quickly.

The fascinating part about learning game and the rules of attraction is when you go out with no outcomes on your mind, zero expectations, and you just have fun…

Girls pick up on your playful non-neediness. Girls feel drawn to guys that are polarizing in their masculinity. More importantly, girls always look for the man that brings out the part of them that is waiting to be seduced.

What’s the answer to this question? Is it NORMAL for girls to get horny ONLY after getting started?

Here’s the honest truth brother…

The only way you can get this to be NORMAL for you is by consistently getting girls attracted. It doesn’t even have to be sexual attraction per se.

Just get girls ATTRACTED consistently so that it’s normal for you. It’s second nature. It’s just who you are.

Get all girls attracted with your sexy self-confidence. It requires FULL SELF-BELIEF that you own who you are and you are CONGRUENT in who you are.

How Does Sexual Chemistry Work?

Have you guessed it by now? It’s a combination of emotional investment, sexual attraction, physicality, and last but not least, requires just being compatible. Sexual chemistry happens very fast when you screen for the opposite energy polarity.

What does that mean? It can happen fast? To be clear, there’s something to be said about time spent and how comfortable she is. However, if for example, you’ve been in a marriage and you want to make your wife horny, sexual chemistry can resume from being stale if you trigger implement strong emotions in her.

Even dread game can work in this case but must be done with care. However, the point is sexual chemistry works when there is a strong connection, there is a strong desire between both individuals, and there is a sense of jealousy.

That goes without saying, it doesn’t mean you ACTUALLY CHEAT. It simply means the sexual chemistry can and will come back. The emotions are high. These emotions are what drive seduction to happen quickly. I’ll answer one more question because you know, I’m feeling fucking epic…

Can You Keep Girls Feeling Desired?

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Well fuck. That’s a good question. Can you keep girls feeling desired? I thought this was about getting girls HORNY.

Yeah, well, here’s what most guys forget about seduction. That is you want her longing for you. How do you do that without complimenting her like a low-status beta-male?

Here’s what you do…

Ask her hot questions like these ones:

  1. What’s your favorite place to be kissed other than your lips?
  2. What was it like the first time you fell in love?
  3. What do you value most in someone you’re sleeping with?
  4. What’s the one part of your personality you’ve always worked on and you’re truly proud of it now?

Keep her interested if the girl you are seeing wants to see you AGAIN. That is how to keep them coming back for your manhood. Maintain that attraction motherfucker. I’m coming out with a grand finale…

The Hottest Way to Sexually Escalate

Tell her how you see her. Tell her all about the repressed naughty side most girls have.

I feel like you are attracted to guys who can lead you to where you want to be led. I also get a sense that you are comfortable with men who are so uninhibited and free in who they are. Something tells me that you are waiting to be swept off your feet. <Slow down your voice here and lean in close> I can see it in your eyes. The eyes never lie. You have to STOP looking at me like that!”

She will say to you… “Doing what? You’re the one FRUSTRATING ME.”

Beautiful. Emotions. :-))

Girls may tell you this, but it means it’s time to escalate. This is fucking hot because most if not all girls want prince charming (but also a bad motherfucker) to sweep them off their feet.

Break rapport before you physically escalate. Write that down brother.

And that right there is what all girls DREAM about. Then you fucking execute. Sometimes you gotta paint the picture of what they want in their mind. That is very powerful.

A girls most seductive organ is her mind! Even though I gave you ways to get girls to feel desired…

Her mind is the most powerful tool that you must never forget. Don’t focus on getting it in so fast. Focus on building up the tension effortlessly.

The Bottom Line

I gave you ten ways to make a girl horny, even gave you some bonus tips to get her feeling desired. Even added some epic CHALLENGES. Also some classic cold reading with the hottest way to sexually escalate.

Do not overwhelm yourself with everything in this article. Start out with one at a time. Let’s say the next time you meet a gorgeous girl, just focus on building anticipation. That would be a good starting point. All girls respond well to takeaways and building anticipation.

When you notice she is giving you the green light for you to enter her space, look at her in a sexy way. Also NEVER forget to get the girl you want feeling desired if she sees you talking to SEVERAL WOMEN.

Or she won’t be willing to escalate with you. Without that validation, she will feel insecure. Like you don’t want her. Keep her interested, let her know you like her for who she is. That she is not like all the other girls. “There’s something different about you, it’s your energy, you just seem genuine.” ;-))

Always start out with physical touch when you are about to get it on. Always get her wet through foreplay. Always CHALLENGE her after foreplay as this increases desire LIKE CRAZY.

Now she’s turned on, she’s horny, you got her wet. It’s time to bring out that masculine spirit. Show her how REAL MEN have sex. Be the physical guy, bring out that part of her that is HIGHLY FEMININE.

Seduction well done. This is how to make a girl horny. Go through this article more than once if you have to as I just gave you several ways to give women the hottest escalations ever. If you found this article helpful, feel comfortable to comment below any questions and concerns.

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What's Up, I'm Jon Anthony

Women. Fitness. Money. I’ll help you achieve it.

After dropping out of college to pursue my dreams, I started this blog as a way to help other men do the same.

What started off as a fun hobby, grew into a full-scale 6-figure business that’s changing the lives of men worldwide.

Important Notice:

Jon Anthony, my friend and the author of Masculine Development has unfortunately passed away. This is a backup of the website managed by me LifeMathMoney.

Jon was extremely bright, intelligent, friendly, and kind. One of those rare big hearted people who truly wanted to help others.

I intend to keep this website live as long as I can to preserve my friend’s legacy and memory.

Rest in Power my friend.

You will be missed.

P.S. If someone wants to get in touch, you can do so here.


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