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ECA Stack Guide: Can It Really Help You Shred Fat in 2024?


eca stack

People often turn to fad diets, weird exercise routines, and even steroids to lose weight, but one thing reigns king to them all: the ECA stack.

While it certainly isn’t as powerful as thermogenics such as DNP (an illegal steroid/fat burner), this stack is still considered to be relatively safe.

…but, the question still remains: does it actually work, or is it just another fad supplement that will sell you empty promises?

The truth is that it does. This so-called ECA Stack, short for Ephedrine, Caffeine, and Aspirin, has been used for years due to its ease of acquirement and high effectiveness.

This isn’t something you want to mess around with, though—many of these substances should not be consumed if you’re under 18.

That being said, if you’re looking for a magic bullet to push your fat loss into overdrive, look no further than this stack here.

In this quick, step-by-step guide, I’m going to explain exactly what this supplement is, exactly how it works, and how it can help you burn fat.

What is The ECA Stack?

As said before, an ECA stack is simply a combination of ephedrine, caffeine, and aspirin—it’s easy to get, and medically proven to work.

The whole idea here is that it speeds up your metabolism and suppresses your appetite, thus making it easier for you to shred body fat.

The ECA stack stands for the following:

  1. Ephedrine
  2. Caffeine
  3. Aspirin

All three ingredients work in conjunction with one another, to increase your metabolic rate, and thus help you burn calories faster.

In fact, in a study conducted at Harvard Medical School, researchers found that it literally burned 246% more fat than placebo:

“Overall weight loss over 8 weeks was 2.2kg for ECA vs. 0.7 kg for placebo (p < 0.05). 8 of 13 placebo subjects returned 5 months later and received ECA in an unblinded crossover. After 8 weeks, mean weight loss with ECA was 3.2 kg vs 1.3 kg for placebo (p = 0.036).”

Tons of peer reviewed studies have proven the benefits of ephedrine and caffeine, so medically speaking, the evidence here is pretty solid.

Legality & Where to Get It

Thankfully, the ECA stack is 100% legal. All of the ingredients you need for it can be purchased at your local pharmacy for very cheap.

You may need to show your ID in order to purchase the Bronkaid, but the caffeine and aspirin are easy to get, and cost under $10 at Walmart.

The caffeine is typically consumed in the form of caffeine pills, which can be purchased on Amazon or at any run of the mill general store.

Aspirin is also easy to attain, and is available at most pharmacies. The only ingredient that’s going to take some work is the ephedrine.

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Most of the so-called ephedrine for sale online is fake, so it’s best to just grab some “Bronkaid” from your local pharmacy for cheap.

Bronkaid is a key part of this supplement, as one tablet has 25mg of ephedrine, which is an integral component of ECA stacks.

ECA Stack Ingredients

muscular man doing push ups

While there’s a ton of supplements out there marketed as ECA stacks, the ingredients are quite simple and can be bought over the counter.

In fact, I wouldn’t trust many of the products online which claim to sell ephedrine or ephedra, because they’re illegal to sell online.

That being said, ephedrine (an extract from the ephedra herb) can be purchased at any pharmacy without a doctor’s prescription—so creating your own stacks for cheap is very easy.

The ECA stack consists of 3 main ingredients:

  1. Ephedrine
  2. Caffeine
  3. Aspirin

When used in conjunction, research shows that these supplements help drastically speed up weight loss, especially in healthy individuals.


Ephedrine, an extract from the ephedra herb, is by far the most powerful ingredient in this list—it’s also medically proven to help fat loss.

In fact, tons of research suggests that ephedra based supplements can help increase metabolism, thus speeding up the rate of fat loss. [R]

Ephedra based supplements, such as ECA stacks, are beta agonists, which have been shown to increase fat-burning hormones in the body.

…and while it’s not as strong as other stimulants like Gorilla Mind Rush, it’s still very strong, and the evidence behind it is pretty bulletproof.


Some people prefer to take caffeine pills, but personally I’d rather just drink coffee for this. Not only does coffee have a ton of benefits, but if you get the right stuff, it tastes great as well.

Caffeine is an integral part here, because it’s known for suppressing appetite and also increasing metabolism. This will help you get a six pack faster than if you just used Aspirin and Ephedrine alone.

Coffee by itself has a ton of benefits, but when you combine it with Ephedrine (from Bronkaid tablets) for the ECA stack, you’ll be shredding fat faster than you can say “six pack abs.”


Aspirin isn’t really a fat-burning agent by itself, but it’s taken along with the ECA stack in order to prolong the effects of caffeine and Ephedrine.

When you take the “EC” part of this stack, you’re taking Ephedrine and caffeine which will increase norepinephrine in your bloodstream, a hormone that is associated with increasing metabolism.

Taking aspirin alongside this, inhibits the decrease of this hormone. In other words, it basically just makes the effects last longer.

ECA Stack Dosage

eca stack

Once you have some caffeine pills, aspirin, and Bronkaid tablets, it’s time to start combining these supplements to create your own stack.

The following supplements are typically taken 3x per day:

  • 25mg Ephedrine (one tablet of Bronkaid)
  • 200mg Caffeine (one caffeine pill)
  • 81mg Aspirin (one baby aspirin tablet)

In other words, research suggests that it’s best if you take that dosage several times spaced throughout the day, for the best results.

If it’s your first time playing around with stacks like this however, start by taking just one dose at first to be safe and assess your tolerance.

Dosage & Timing Guidelines

The best time to take the ECA stack is first thing in the morning on an empty stomach, so that it hits faster—if you’re sensitive to stimulants however, you can try taking it with breakfast.

The effects of this supplement will usually last about 4-6 hours, although this will vary depending on your tolerance and dosage.

A sample day might look like the following:

  • Breakfast (8am): Take 1st Dose
  • Lunch (12pm): Take 2nd Dose
  • Dinner (5pm): Take 3rd Dose

Typically, stacks like this are taken 3x per day, although depending on your tolerance and overall goals, you may want to adjust this guideline.

If you have a high tolerance to stimulants (like me), you can even try combining it with a super strong pre workout before hitting the gym.

For most beginners however, I do NOT recommend combining this supplement with a pre workout, because it will be way too strong.

ECA Stack Benefits

The ECA stack has a ton of benefits, with the biggest one being weight loss. It’s no secret that most people take it to lose weight and cut fat.

That being said, there’s also some other benefits to this stack, such as using it for energy, and/or using it for studying or focus.

Here are some clinically proven benefits:

  • Accelerated Weight Loss
  • Increased Energy Levels
  • Improved Focus
  • Suppressed Appetite

It’s similar in effect and feeling to Adderall, which makes sense, since both Adderall and ephedrine increase norepinephrine in your body.

Accelerated Weight Loss

Like I said, the biggest benefit of the ECA stack is that it helps users cut weight fast. While it isn’t as effective as SARMs, it’s still pretty great.

Ephedra based supplements can be especially helpful if you’re trying to cut off those last 5-10 pounds before your six pack starts to show.

It can also give you that “extra edge” you need in order to get your health in order—because it accelerates fat loss, it feels psychologically easier.

Increased Energy Levels

Another added benefit is that your energy levels will increase—in fact, tons of studies have proven that ephedrine is a major stimulant. [R]

This is one of the major effects that people report while taking this supplement—they report that their energy levels are extremely high.

As one of the side effects, you may experience a small crash at the end of the day, but if you time your doses right, this will happen at night.

Improved Focus

If you’re a student, you might find that the ECA stack works wonders for your mental clarity and focus. It sure makes studying easier.

That being said, I can’t recommend this for anyone under 18 years old. Not that it’s bad for you, but I’m not a doctor, so I don’t want some kid with a heart condition getting a heart attack or some shit.

I took the ECA stack when I was 16, and I turned out fine, but again, I’d recommend you wait until college to start using it for focus.

Suppressed Appetite

Another added benefit of the ECA stack, is that since it’s an appetite suppressant, it’s easier to do intermittent fasting while on it.

Intermittent fasting has a ton of medically proven benefits for fat loss, muscle gain, and overall health, so this is definitely a plus.

While you don’t have to fast while you’re on the this stack, I definitely recommend it—especially if you’re trying to lose weight.

My Results & Experience

The first time I tried combining ephedrine, caffeine, and aspirin as an ECA stack was when I was 19 years old in college, trying to burn fat.

I was already in pretty good shape (as you can see by the pictures of me above), but I wanted a medically proven way to shred fat faster.

Long story short, my experience with this stuff was great. I was laser focused, had tons of energy, and best of all, melted off fat.

In fact, I’d even go so far as to say that this ephedrine based stack can be considered a nootropic, or a “smart drug” in layman’s terms.

Not to mention the fact that it really helped me get lean for spring break, so I could have that six pack abs that I wanted to show off to girls.

If you’re looking for a “quick fix,” the ECA stack is your best friend. While it certainly won’t cause you to lose 15 pounds of fat overnight, it will definitely make dieting and shredding fat a hell of a lot easier.

Potential Side Effects

eca stack side effects

Now that we’ve talked about the benefits, let’s take a look at some of the side effects of the Ephedrine, Caffeine, Aspirin stack.

Common side effects may include:

  • Increased Anxiety
  • Restlessness & Insomnia
  • High Blood Pressure
  • Jittery & Shaky Hands

Most stimulants are going to share these side effects, but the good thing is that if you experience these, you can just lower your dosage.

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Most evidence suggests that ephedra supplements are safe, but if you do experience side effects, just lower your dosage. It’s simple.

All in all, the side effects of this supplement aren’t really that bad. They’re no worse than the effects of drinking too much coffee, to be blunt.

I experienced a little bit of restlessness and jitteriness when I was on this stack, but it wasn’t bad—I got used to it in a few days.

Want A Full Bodybuilding Blueprint?

Dieting and lifting weights certainly isn’t easy.

In fact, it can really be a struggle sometimes—but with that being said, nothing worth having in life is easy.

The feeling I get when I walk around at the beach with my shirt off, as girls stare me down like a piece of meat, is absolutely indescribable.

You can have that feeling too, if you’re willing to put in the work.

If you’d like more advice on bodybuilding, losing weight, and supplement hacks, consider checking out my Body of an Alpha program.

In fact, here’s some of what you’ll get with Body of an Alpha:

  • The “Fast Track Method” to Get The V-Taper Look That Celebrities, Athletes, and Male Sex Symbols Have
  • My “Hybrid Training Protocol” That Helps You Shred Fat Off Like Butter, and Pack on Lean Muscle Mass in Record Time
  • My Full Nutrition Layout, Including Customizable Options For Your Specific Body Type and Needs
  • …and much, much more!

So, if you’re serious about bodybuilding, training, and getting your dream body in 3 months, consider checking out Body of an Alpha today.

When used in conjunction with the Body of an Alpha workout routine and nutrition, the ECA stack will give you a physique that’s guaranteed to moisten panties and turn heads.

Just be sure to use this power responsibly, because believe me when I tell you that other guys will get very jealous!

All in all, the ECA stack is a highly effective way to make losing those last few pounds a hell of a lot easier—and with summer just around the corner, God knows we’re all looking for ways to make our lives easier.

Frequently Asked Questions
❓ How Does The ECA Stack Work?

The ECA Stack, short for Ephedrine, Caffeine, and Aspirin, is a stack of stimulants that you take up to 3x daily. It works by increasing your metabolism, so you end up burning more fat even if you don't go to the gym or change your diet.

The Ephedrine and Caffeine both speed up your metabolism, and the Aspirin increases the efficacy of them. So, the Aspirin isn't technically necessary, but it does make the whole stack more effective.

❓ Does The ECA Stack Work For Weight Loss?

In one study, researchers found that the ECA stack helped test subjects burn 246% more fat than placebo. This means that you'll burn fat 3x faster than normal, by simply taking the ECA stack each day.

So, if you're on a diet and are losing 1 pound of fat per week, you could increase this to 3 pounds of fat per week by simply taking the ECA stack. If you add a good diet and workout routine into this mix, you could lose even more fat.

❓ Is The ECA Stack Illegal?

In short, no. The ECA stack is not illegal. Both caffeine and aspirin are over the counter and can easily be purchased at any pharmacy near you. The only ingredient you might need to worry about is ephedrine.

Ephedrine is commonly found in Bronkaid, which is an under the counter medication for upper respiratory infections. In order to purchase Bronkaid, you will need to show a pharmacist your ID, but it's still 100% legal to purchase.

This is why most "ECA Stacks" purchased online are fake. If you want to do the real ECA stack, you'll need to get the ingredients yourself. Thankfully, they can all be purchased 100% legally at your local pharmacy.

❓ What's The Best ECA Stack Dosage?

The ECA stack consists of Ephedrine, Caffeine, and Aspirin. The typical dosage for this stack is 25mg of ephedrine, 200mg of caffeine, and 81mg of aspirin, taken up to three times daily.

This is roughly two pills of Bronkaid, one caffeine pill, and one baby aspirin. As I said, you can take this dosage up to three times daily, but for beginner's it's recommended you start off by taking it once, to assess your tolerance.

❓ Does The ECA Stack Have Any Side Effects?

If you take the ECA stack within the recommended dosage, it usually does not have any side effects. This being said, it can put extra strain on your heart, because it speeds up your metabolism to help you burn fat faster.

This is why if you have a pre-existing heart condition, it's not recommended that you take the ECA stack. While taking it, you should also monitor your caffeine consumption, and be especially careful to assess your tolerance to the ECA stack at first.

Side effects may include rapid heart beat, sweaty palms, jitteriness, and diarrhea. If you experience these side effects, it's recommended that you cut your ECA stack dosage down until the side effects go away.

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3 years ago

Where are you buying your Bronkaid because I can’t find it anywhere?

4 years ago

Hey quick question if i add eca to my intermittent fasting and i take the dosage once a day can i see some serious gains? i currently workout in the morning on an empty stomach but im not sure if this can be counter productive im trying to get some lean gains and im eating in a calorie surplus

4 years ago

Hey, does the ECA stack cause hairloss? I’m worried

Lisa Neustaeter
4 years ago

Is this just a safe to use for women as for men? And would you recommend the same dosage for women?

Dino Đurinek
6 years ago

Hey Jon, very good article just on time. I want to ask you what’s your opinion about pseudoephedrine and are those two the same substances. I think I can only get pseudoephedrine in my country.

Jon Anthony
6 years ago
Reply to  Dino Đurinek

Those are not the same two substances, no – the one you mention is far less powerful. That being said, you could probably substitute it. I doubt it would have the same effect, but it might have some effect.


What's Up, I'm Jon Anthony

Women. Fitness. Money. I’ll help you achieve it.

After dropping out of college to pursue my dreams, I started this blog as a way to help other men do the same.

What started off as a fun hobby, grew into a full-scale 6-figure business that’s changing the lives of men worldwide.

Important Notice:

Jon Anthony, my friend and the author of Masculine Development has unfortunately passed away. 

This is a backup of the website managed by me LifeMathMoney.

I intend to keep this website live as long as I can to preserve my friend’s legacy and memory.

Rest in Power my friend. 

You will be missed.

P.S. If someone wants to get in touch, you can do so here.


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