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The PUA’s Shit Test Guide: What They Are & How to Pass Them

Anyone who’s been involved in the “PUA community” recently knows about the phenomena of shit tests.

Shit tests are snide little remarks that women throw at you to test you.

Depending on how you react, she’ll either become completely disinterested with you, or she’ll take note and start to view you as an alpha male.

Most guys fail these tests from women miserably—and they have piss poor results with women to show for it.

Once you know how to pass them, however, you’ll notice that your success rate with women will sky rocket.

What is a Shit Test?

what is a shit test

As said before, a shit test is a snide little remark that’s meant to test you.

They’re a quick way for women to screen you to tell if you’re actually as confident as you’re acting, or if you’re secretly a little bitch.

Shit tests are meant to see if you have boundaries, if you’re insecure, and how strong your frame is.

Here are some common shit tests:

  • “Sorry, I don’t sleep with guys under 6 foot.”
  • “You have moobs.”
  • “You must have a really small dick.”
  • “You’re balding.”

Generally speaking, any insult about your appearance is a shit test (when you’re hitting on a girl). Girls care very little about appearance, and much more about your game and status.

Why Do Women Test You?

Most guys don’t understand why women test them, but it’s because they want to know if you’re truly as confident as you seem.

This is what women truly want—a confident, cocky, badass alpha male. Not some little bitch boy who can’t take the heat.

Tell me if this has ever happened to you: You go out to a nightclub, and you’re having a pretty good time.

You’re dancing, vibing to the sound of Calvin Harris’s deep bass, when suddenly a stunning girl catches your eye.

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After lots of internal struggle, you work up the courage to go talk to her. The walk towards her is agonizing—your fear of rejection is slowly creeping up.

Finally, you open her, and ask for her name.

“Sorry, I only talk to hot guys.” she says. You walk away feeling completely rejected, and wallow in self-pity for the rest of the night.

That, my friend, was a shit test. And you just failed it.

What Women Truly Want

A lot of guys may get angry when they first realize that women test men. “What bitches,” the newbie may spout—or, “That’s so mean.”

Or even worse, sometimes they can’t even accept it.

Don’t get mad. The reason that women test men is because they have to; this is how they figure out if you’re actually confident or not.

In other words, when a woman shit tests you, she’s screening to see if you’re going to be a frightened little baby and take it personally, or if you’re not even going to be emotionally affected by it.

Women test men, because they’re attracted to personality characteristics far more than your physical appearance.

Sure, being jacked and getting a six pack still helps. But when it really comes down to it, women care a lot more about your frame.

What Men Want in WomenWhat Women Want in Men
Attractive BodyConfidence
Beautiful FaceSocial Status
Good GroomingDominance

Things like decisiveness, assertiveness, confidence, and frame control, are all very attractive to women. So what’s a girl to do?

She can’t just ask “Hey, are you confident?” Obviously every guy is going to say yes. So instead, they test you to see if you’re actually confident.

That’s what a shit test does—it exposes any emotional neediness or insecurities you have. This is the function of a shit test.

In other words, a woman only tests you if she’s interested.

When a woman shit tests me, the way that I interpret it is this: “Hmm. I’m interested in this guy, but I need to make sure he’s the real deal.”

And the best way to actually show her that you’re the real deal is to pass her shit tests… and this is exactly how you do it.

How to Pass A Shit Test

Generally speaking, there are two strategies that I use to pass any shit test. The first is amplifying the frame, and the second is re-framing.

In order to understand these strategies, however, you must understand the concept of “frame control.”

In a nutshell, a frame is just a way of looking at reality.

Frame control is how truly confident you are in that way of looking at reality. For example, say that you believe you’re the shit. That’s the frame.

Now, say that a girl starts to tease you and make fun of you—if she gets to you, and you get upset, you have poor frame control.

If a dumb little comment, remark, or insult completely destroy your frame, it really wasn’t that strong to begin with.

Her shit tests shook your frame and exposed your insecurities. This means you have poor frame control.

If, however, her tests don’t faze you, it usually means that you have strong frame control. Your sense of reality is very strong. You are convicted.

In order to employ these two strategies, you must get good at controlling your own frame. It takes practice, but anybody can do it.

Get good at creating your own reality—don’t let others dictate it for you.

Forge your own beliefs and believe in them so strongly that nothing can shake you. This is the only way to truly pass a shit test.

Strategy #1: Amplify the Frame

Now, there’s two main ways to pass any shit test out there.

The first way is to amplify the frame. This is where you agree with the girl’s shit test, and take it to a whole new level.

For example, maybe a girl makes fun of you for driving a Prius.

“Oh, you must pull all the girls with that Prius,” she says. What would 99% of guys do? They’d get defensive.

“B-BUT The Prius is a very good economic choice due to its good fuel economy!” or something more subtle like “I bought it for financial reasons, not to pick up girls!”

Instead of getting defensive, the best way to pass this test would be to amplify it.

“Yeah, I pull all the girls with my Prius.” or “Yeah, girls tell me my Prius is hot.” This is how you pass a shit test with flying colors.

Do you see how this is amplifying the frame? The frame that the girl sets at first is “You must pull girls with your Prius.”

Obviously she’s saying it sarcastically, but it doesn’t matter—if you amplify the frame, you’ll pass the shit test.

Just take her frame (You pull girls with your Prius) and multiply it by 10. That’s what those two comments do.

They convey the fact that yes, you do in fact pull girls with your Prius.

This is how to be an alpha male. Alpha males don’t give a fuck when people tease them or test them. In fact, they GO ALONG WITH IT!

Obviously she’s going to know you’re joking, but you still passed the test—these comments show her that you’re not insecure about your car. You just go with the joke.

To be honest “amplifying the frame” is a great strategy, but it’s limited. It’s best to also combine it with the second strategy.

Strategy #2: Re-Frame

Re-Framing is by far more powerful than the first strategy.

In essence, re-framing is simply accepting the facts that she states, but looking at them a different way.

For example, say that a girl makes fun of you for being short.

This happens to me all the time, because I’m only 5’8″ so naturally I’ve become accustomed to passing this shit test.

“Haha, sorry…I don’t sleep with guys under 6 feet tall.”

As I said in my article on how to get laid on Tinder, I get shit tests like this ALL THE FREAKING TIME… and most guys fail them miserably.

What would 99% of guys respond with?

They would try to qualify themselves—they would come up with a bunch of reasons why the girl should sleep with them.

“B-but I’m jacked!” or “B-but I’m rich!” or “B-but I have a huge dick!” None of that shit works (unless you’re saying it jokingly, but that’s another matter).

Passing The “Height” Shit Test

Do you know what I say when a girl says something like that to me?

“Oh no, that’s okay—it makes me more attainable.” or “Nah, being short is cool. Tall guys cant fit through doors and shit.”

Boom—I accept the fact that I’m short, but I RE-FRAME it. It’s not that being short makes me unattractive, it’s that now I’m more attainable.

If I was tall, I’d be way out of her league due to my other awesome qualities, but since I’m short I’m within her reach.

It’s that simple. Or maybe a girl makes fun of you for having large pecs (this also happens to me). “Haha you have moobs.” What would 99% of guys say to something like this?

“They’re called pecs, and it’s muscle!” or “Yeah, I’m trying to lose weight.”

Re-Framing The Shit Test

The best thing to do is to re-frame it. Instead of getting all butthurt over her shit testing you, say something like the following:

“Yeah, they help me get in touch with my feminine side.”

Do you see how this is re-framing? You agree with her that you have moobs, but you re-frame it so that it’s a positive.

Sometimes you can even completely reject her frame, and have it work extremely well.

For example, say that a girl makes fun of you for being bald. “You’re bald, that’s so gross!” In a situation like this, you could completely reject her frame and assert yours: “Nah, it’s hot.”

That’s it. The key is to say it 100% confidently, though—say it with 100% conviction. She’ll literally start cracking up (in a good way) and start to qualify herself to you.

Examples of Common Shit Tests

After a while, you start to notice that most women will shit test you in some very similar ways. When you start understanding women, you’ll start realizing that most women are very similar.

They all know how to test men instinctively, so a lot of the same shit tests will come up over and over again.

So, with that in mind, here are the most common shit tests, and exactly how you can pass each one with flying colors.

“I Have A Boyfriend”

This is a very common shit test that girls will give you, especially if they’re busy with something else and just want you to go away.

If you know how to talk to girls, and are very good at flirting, you’ll get this shit test all the time, as a way to test your confidence.

Keep in mind that she could actually have a boyfriend, in which case, it’s best not to engage with her further.

Trust me. You don’t want an angry guy showing up at your door with a shotgun, even if she does choose to sleep with you.

Here are some great ways to pass the “boyfriend” shit test:

  • “Who, me? I mean we just met, but okay.”
  • “And I have a goldfish. So what?”

Remember the key is to remain aloof. If you show any signs of being upset or angry, it doesn’t matter what you say—you’ve failed the shit test.

“You’re A Player”

This is a very common shit test, especially when you’ve got really good game. In fact, I get this pretty much all the time.

In fact, if you know how to be an asshole that women want, you’ll get this shit test almost every single night that you go out. Guaranteed.

Here are some great ways to pass this shit test:

  • “Nah, I’m actually a virgin. I’m saving myself for marriage.”
  • “You’re right. I play hockey, and I love it.”

Sometimes girls will ask variations of this shit test, such as: “How many girls have you slept with?” As always, the way to pass it is the same.

If a girl asks me something like that, I’ll respond by saying: “This week, or in my lifetime?” That usually gets a good laugh out of them.

“Is That Your Pickup Line”

This is another common shit test, where she basically calls you out for using the same line on different girls.

While getting any shit test is still a good sign, consider reading up on my list of PUA openers and memorize a few of them.

Anyways, here are some great ways to pass this shit test:

  • “Yeah, and it seems to be working so far.”
  • “Yeah, I practiced it on 5,891 girls before you. I wanted to make sure it was just right.”

Other variations of this shit test might be: “I bet you say that to all the girls,” or “How many girls have you told that to tonight?”

Again, the way you pass these tests is by either amplifying the frame, or re-framing it. Remember the basic strategies and you will know how to pass any shit test out there.

“I’m Not Going to Sleep With You”

This is a common shit test, especially if she decides to go home with you… and while she could really mean it, often times it’s a test to see how committed you are.

In fact, when you know how to get laid efficiently, you’ll get this shit test all the time. Why? Because she doesn’t want to come across as too easy.

Here are some great ways to pass this shit test:

  • “Of course not, I was thinking we could do something more fun like study philosophy or play a game of monopoly.”
  • “That’s fine, I can call you an Uber after we’re done.”

Personally, I prefer the first line, because it usually gets a good laugh out of them. If they try to control the frame, just amplify it even more.

“Bitch, you think I’m joking? I fucking LOVE monopoly and I will kick your ass all night long at that game.” This will definitely get her laughing.

“You’re Too [XYZ Insult]”

This is a common shit test, especially from bitchy club girls, but it’s always a great opportunity to show her you’re the boss.

In fact, a lot of the same girls who give you this type of shit test, will respond VERY favorably to negging (the back handed compliment).

Here’s some common examples of this shit test:

  • “Your shirt is buttoned down way too much.”
  • “Why are you here all by yourself?”
  • “You’re too old for me.”

As with any of these shit tests, there’s a bunch of ways to pass them. The key is to either amplify the frame, or re-frame it, as I’ve said.

Here are the responses, in order with the tests listed above:

  • “Is this better?” (After undoing more buttons)
  • “So my friends don’t complain about me stealing all their girls.”
  • “You’re too young and inexperienced to know.”

These are all great responses to some very common shit tests, and mark my words, if you remember them, you will have her wetter than the Pacific Ocean in no time at all.

Want to Date More Girls?

Learning to pass a woman’s shit tests is one of the most important parts of good game. There’s a lot more you need to understand, though.

Just a few years ago, I was a total virgin. I had no experience with women, and ZERO confidence around them. At all.

But, after years of practice, I finally cracked the code. In the past two years, I’ve slept with over 153 women… and I want to teach you how.

If you’re serious about dating more women, and getting the girl of your dreams, then check out my program: “7 Strategies.”

It’s the definitive guide to becoming a more attractive man. It’ll get you more dates, hotter girls, and it’ll get you laid WAY more.

In fact, here’s some of what you’ll get with 7 Strategies:

  • How to 10x Your Attractiveness to Women, With A Simple Concept That NO OTHER DATING COACH Seems to Talk About
  • Learn EXACTLY How to Turn Any Girl On, WITHOUT Becoming A Try-Hard Douchebag, Asshole, or Using Cheesy Pickup Lines
  • PLUS 4 Free Bonuses, Including Jon’s “Tinder Cheat Sheet” Which Shows You EXACTLY How I Banged Over 100 Girls on Tinder
  • …and much, much more.

So, if you want to start getting laid with hotter girls WITHOUT becoming a douchebag, consider checking out 7 Strategies today.

All in all, I hope you enjoyed the article. If you have any questions, just let me know down below—and as always, I’ll see you next time!

Frequently Asked Questions
❓ What is a Shit Test?

A shit test is a snide little remark that women will sometimes make to test your frame.

Alternatively, sometimes it's also a certain way she ACTS to test your frame.

Either way, the idea is the same---shit tests are meant to test your frame.

❓ How Do You Deal With Shit Tests?

Well first off, you don't go full MGTOW and hate women for the rest of your life. As I've said before, this is completely pathetic.

You pass a shit test by either amplifying the frame, or re-framing it, which is what I talk about in the sections above.

Shit tests are very common at first, but if they persist deep into a relationship, this is usually a red flag.

Expect to deal with a lot of shit tests AT FIRST, in the first hour or two of the interaction. After that though, it should be smooth sailing.

❓ Is Modern Feminism A Shit Test?

Yes. In many ways, modern feminism is an unconscious, collective shit test by the female sex. Female privilege is also a form of shit testing.

The way to pass it, is of course, to either amplify the frame or to re-frame it.

Alternatively, you can use a third (advanced) technique, which is the "frame check."

This is where you simply ignore the shit test, and are 100% unphased by it.

❓ Are Shit Tests Related to the Red Pill?

Yes, they are. Understanding that women test men is a core tenet of both the red pill, and the newer version of it, called the black pill.

In fact, it was the red pill community which first verbalized the concept of a shit test.

Men had known about this phenomena unconsciously for millenia, but the red pill community was the first to actually put it into words.

❓ What Are Some Shit Test Examples?

There's the "I have a boyfriend," shit test, in which you can reply: "Already? We just met."

Then there's others like "buy me a drink," in which case you should ask for compliance first.

There's "are you a player?" or "how many girls have you slept with?" which are common PUA shit tests, as well.

There's an infinite number of shit tests out there, but how you pass them is the same.

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Insidious Claims
2 years ago

This is disgusting. I’ve met people really in love, elderly even. Beautiful marriage, so content at peace. Sleeping with 156 girls is spiritually bankrupt. Makes a man or woman difficult for anything long haul or meaningful. Seek God, this is absolutely disgusting. And is ruining traditional families or any hope of it sustaining the already brutal culture we live in without faith. You need to clean up your spirit and get help, before it’s too late. Don’t say no one warned you when you get to the end.

1 year ago

mate its a frigin JOKE UR NOT SUPPOSED to take this joke seriously LOL. ITS A OTHER SORT OF SHIT TEST ROFL its a flipin joke =D

Last edited 1 year ago by smh
4 years ago

Feminism is a shit test, one that Western man has failed miserably.

4 years ago

How would you respond to a shit test where the girl responds with very basic words? Like an I don’t care shit test without saying I don’t care. This happened to me last week when I was talking to this cheerleader in the lunch line, It was mainly small talk but she didn’t say much and I think I was being tested.
Also Jon pls respond to my emails. I know you get a lot but the topic is VERY important.

jay hulk
9 months ago
Reply to  Hunter

It don’t seem like your email have been answered you gotta wait

6 years ago

The woman is questioning you – and it’s quite a difficult question. So do what politicians do – avoid the question by asking them a question. Let’s say you’ve been rejected for being bald, ask “would you date xxx, who, like me, is bald?” where xxx is some actor or celebrity known for their success with women. If she says no, she looks stupid because who would pass up being asked for a date by xxx? If she says yes then that means her reason for rejecting you is stupid and she needs to reconsider her criteria. She might say “but you’re not xxx”. If so, ask whether xxx is standing in front of her asking her for a date. If the answer’s no, she’s admitting that she’s not as desirable and out of reach as she would like you to think she is. There you go, you’ve cracked her armour. If the answer’s yes, politely wish her the best of luck with finding what she wants. That might work too. If not, you’ve got your answer: the woman’s a moron, time to move on.

I’ve been rejected because I’m no movie star – but I came back with “I’m looking for an adult”. Armour cracked, because nobody wants to admit that their criteria for rejecting a partner are childish.

Don’t say you’re rich. Ask if they would date a rich bald man. The answer tells you everything you need to know.

8 years ago

What I find also helps is shit test a girl back – but with a bit of easy going humour. Look for a weakness in her – and let her know you are aware of it – and even mock it a bit play fully. Her shit tests suddenly seem to stop and she respects you more.

Ravi Subba
6 years ago
Reply to  rake

Well said. The actual & real reason a pu*** does the so called “shit test” with men is:
=Because a pu*** can get away without facing any consequences
=Because a pu*** can get away without any accountability
=Because a pu*** is given “free pass” with Societal & Legal Double Standards

A Man can also do perfect “shit test” to a pu***, for example:
=Hey, it seems you have saggy tits !
=Hey, it seems you slut around a lot. You have floppy boobs !!
=Didn’t you take shower, you smell like filth !!!

It’s time for MEN to NOT entertain pu*****. No entitlement, No pampering, Don’t pedestal, Don’t give “undue” credit, Don’t / Ever exaggerate and/or “over” exaggerate for Natural, Mundane and Obvious things like getting pregnant and giving birth (ALL the female species on this planet does the same thing damn it !!!).

But, Radio is not natural !, Air-Conditioner is not natural !!, Refrigeration is not natural !!!
That’s the power of Masculinity: Machismo.

6 years ago

Well, I think I’d re-frame “alpha male” as someone who is a narcissist, because that’s what it all sounds like to me. You pass a shit test by proving you’re full of your own shit? Is this what women want? Maybe, but I think if so, it’s because a lot of women are just plain confused in today’s society.

There is no biological justification for the PUA definition of “alpha male”. Biologically, a woman should be looking for a man to protect her. There is an objective measurement of that, which has nothing to do with personality. Back in the stone age, if you had a big tough warrior with the personality of a timid mouse, and a scrawny guy with the body of a mouse, who is going to be more able to protect their woman? The tough warrior of course. Doesn’t matter that he says sorry when you shit test him, because he can kill a predator. He’s the real alpha male. The reason why there aren’t a ton of narcissist “alpha” men around today, is because most of them were so dumb they ran off to fight the tiger all by themselves and got eaten. These are not the guys evolution wants.

But society is currently in a state of de-evolving. It all started when we threw out objective standards of performance, and said everyone should be proud of themselves, everyone should be confident, everyone should get an A for participating. And even if you failed the test, you still get a gold star.

The ironic thing is that in this environment, people have lower self-esteem than ever before. And for whatever reason, this is particularly true of women. Girls shit test you for one reason, and that is because they are totally insecure and have low self-esteem. These same girls just so happen to be attracted to narcissists, because they’re psychologically damaged, empty inside and are mistakenly fooled into thinking the narc can give them the confidence they don’t have. On the other hand, the girls who have their head on straight are the least likely to shit test, although sadly I’ve met few of them.

So yeah, acting like a narcissist probably can get you laid. But just don’t delude yourself into thinking this in anyway makes you more masculine. We live in the western world, where life is easy relatively speaking, so that’s why this bullshit even works. When time gets tough, I think that true masculinity will become popular again. Because it will again matter who can walk the walk, not just talk the talk.

Jon Anthony
6 years ago
Reply to  Mark

I’m not advocating narcissism. But the thing is, when you’re at a nightclub and a girl is getting hit on by literally a guy every 2 minutes, she has to “screen them,” quickly.

Guys that aren’t phased by her test, pass. Guys that get butthurt, are screened out. This shouldn’t be happening all of the time with girls at work, school, colleagues, etc.

Mainly just cold approach night game

6 years ago

This guy says he has had women shit him for being 5’8 . He should stop chasing 7 ft women

Jon Anthony
6 years ago
Reply to  tony

No, I like my tall women. It feels like an accomplishment, like I’ve climbed a mountain or something

6 years ago
Reply to  Jon Anthony

Women are fucking crazy anyway. They could be 4’8 and still demand a guy over 6ft. I think the “6ft” # is just the magical # they are aware of that symbolizes a man is within the “tall” range. A 5.0″ girl is going to see a 5’9 dude as “tall” but she’s trained t say she wants 6′ or higher.

Jon Anthony
6 years ago
Reply to  Andros

Hahaha yeah they don’t know what they want half the time, but I know they care far more about confidence and frame than looks.

Zayn Malik
6 years ago

Women take shit test of men to judge them, is it applicable for men to shit test them to know whether they are bitchy and manipulative or not. Then how to test them, any idea ???

Jon Anthony
6 years ago
Reply to  Zayn Malik

Yeah I’ll probably write a post on this in the future, but basically you just have to look out for signs and red flags. It’s not so much testing them, but just watching out for a few key things like lying, deceit, guilt-tripping, etc.

7 years ago

Well, I think I’d re-frame “alpha male” as someone who is a narcissist, because that’s what it all sounds like to me. You pass a shit test by proving you’re full of your own shit? Is this what women want? Maybe, but I think if so, it’s because a lot of women are just plain confused in today’s society.

There is no biological justification for the PUA definition of “alpha male”. Biologically, a woman should be looking for a man to protect her. There is an objective measurement of that, which has nothing to do with personality. Back in the stone age, if you had a big tough warrior with the personality of a timid mouse, and a scrawny guy with the body of a mouse, who is going to be more able to protect their woman? The tough warrior of course. Doesn’t matter that he says sorry when you shit test him, because he can kill a predator. He’s the real alpha male. The reason why there aren’t a ton of narcissist “alpha” men around today, is because most of them were so dumb they ran off to fight the tiger all by themselves and got eaten. These are not the guys evolution wants.

But society is currently in a state of de-evolving. It all started when we threw out objective standards of performance, and said everyone should be proud of themselves, everyone should be confident, everyone should get an A for participating. And even if you failed the test, you still get a gold star.

The ironic thing is that in this environment, people have lower self-esteem than ever before. And for whatever reason, this is particularly true of women. Girls shit test you for one reason, and that is because they are totally insecure and have low self-esteem. These same girls just so happen to be attracted to narcissists, because they’re psychologically damaged, empty inside and are mistakenly fooled into thinking the narc can give them the confidence they don’t have. On the other hand, the girls who have their head on straight are the least likely to shit test, although sadly I’ve met few of them.

So yeah, acting like a narcissist probably can get you laid. But just don’t delude yourself into thinking this in anyway makes you more masculine. We live in the western world, where life is easy relatively speaking, so that’s why this bullshit even works. When time gets tough, I think that true masculinity will become popular again. Because it will again matter who can walk the walk, not just talk the talk.

Zayn Malik
7 years ago

Women take shit test of men to judge them, is it applicable for men to shit test them to know whether they are bitchy and manipulative or not. Then how to test them, any idea ???

7 years ago

This guy says he has had women shit him for being 5’8 . He should stop chasing 7 ft women

7 years ago
Reply to  Jon Anthony

Women are fucking crazy anyway. They could be 4’8 and still demand a guy over 6ft. I think the “6ft” # is just the magical # they are aware of that symbolizes a man is within the “tall” range. A 5.0″ girl is going to see a 5’9 dude as “tall” but she’s trained t say she wants 6′ or higher.

8 years ago

What I find also helps is shit test a girl back – but with a bit of easy going humour. Look for a weakness in her – and let her know you are aware of it – and even mock it a bit play fully. Her shit tests suddenly seem to stop and she respects you more.

Ravi Subba
7 years ago
Reply to  rake

Well said. The actual & real reason a pu*** does the so called “shit test” with men is:
=Because a pu*** can get away without facing any consequences
=Because a pu*** can get away without any accountability
=Because a pu*** is given “free pass” with Societal & Legal Double Standards

A Man can also do perfect “shit test” to a pu***, for example:
=Hey, it seems you have saggy tits !
=Hey, it seems you slut around a lot. You have floppy boobs !!
=Didn’t you take shower, you smell like filth !!!

It’s time for MEN to NOT entertain pu*****. No entitlement, No pampering, Don’t pedestal, Don’t give “undue” credit, Don’t / Ever exaggerate and/or “over” exaggerate for Natural, Mundane and Obvious things like getting pregnant and giving birth (ALL the female species on this planet does the same thing damn it !!!).

But, Radio is not natural !, Air-Conditioner is not natural !!, Refrigeration is not natural !!!
That’s the power of Masculinity: Machismo.


What's Up, I'm Jon Anthony

Women. Fitness. Money. I’ll help you achieve it.

After dropping out of college to pursue my dreams, I started this blog as a way to help other men do the same.

What started off as a fun hobby, grew into a full-scale 6-figure business that’s changing the lives of men worldwide.

Important Notice:

Jon Anthony, my friend and the author of Masculine Development has unfortunately passed away. This is a backup of the website managed by me LifeMathMoney.

Jon was extremely bright, intelligent, friendly, and kind. One of those rare big hearted people who truly wanted to help others.

I intend to keep this website live as long as I can to preserve my friend’s legacy and memory.

Rest in Power my friend.

You will be missed.

P.S. If someone wants to get in touch, you can do so here.


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why girls ignore you

Girls Ignore You? Read This.

Tell me if this has ever happened to you… You feel like you’ve been doing everything right. You’ve been hitting the gym, you’ve been working

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