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6 Incredible NoFap Benefits: How NoFap Changed My Life

nofap benefits of nofap

Several years ago, nobody knew what nofap was. Today, their community on Reddit has over 300,000 subscribers. So what changed? Did thousands of men suddenly become aware of the benefits of nofap? Did the nofap benefits suddenly become mainstream knowledge? Maybe, but I highly doubt it.

Over the past few years, the “nofap” community has been growing in record proportions. What started off as a select few men has now spiraled into mainstream manosphere consciousness. For anyone who’s unaware, nofap is a very simple lifestyle change. There’s two rules, and two rules only:

  1. No looking at internet porn
  2. No masturbating or touching yourself

That’s it. All of these benefits that men are claiming, from zero social anxiety to increased testosterone levels, supposedly came from their engagement with nofap. Is it all bullshit, though? Are these nofap benefits just the placebo effect, or is there something more to them? In this article, I set out to find the truth.


Porn: A Love Story

nofap porn

Ever since the porn industry came to fruition in the 1970’s, man has been captivated by sex and porn on the silver screen. At first it was extremely difficult to find porn. You had to go to some seedy movie theater, and pay $1.50 to go inside and watch some porn flick with a dozen other men. Oh, how the times have changed.

With the mass-adoption of the VCR set in the 1980’s, porn shops quickly sprouted up all across the country. Now, for just a few dollars, you could rent any porn flick you wanted and watch it in the privacy of your own home. While this may seem ludicrous nowadays, it was cutting edge back in the 1980’s.

Then, however, something changed—the internet was born. Now, with the click of a button, you can access literally any type of porn you want in high definition. You can easily fulfill any desire, any sexual orientation, and any weird fetish you may have, all within just a few seconds of clicking around online.

Yet for some reason, modern men are unhappier than ever. Depression is at an all time high, social anxiety is worse than it’s ever been, and more and more men are having trouble engaging in a relationship with the opposite sex. What gives? Could this have something to do with porn, or is it just coincidence?


The Beginnings of Addiction

south park world of warcraft loser on porn

I remember when I was a typical highschool student. Like most guys, I would watch porn and jerk off daily—it became sort of a way of life. Although I didn’t realize it at the time, PMO (porn, masturbating, and orgasm) became a major addiction for me. It became my way of relaxing, and feeling better when I was stressed.

You’re stressed after a long day at school? Jerk off, it’ll make you feel better. You’re tired and need to fall asleep? Jerk off, it’ll make you feel better. You’re angry, because girls keep ignoring you? No worries, just jerk off—it’ll make you feel better. PMO quickly became my answer to anything and everything.

…and yet as I started to jerk off more and more often, something began to change. I became numb. I could never focus on anything. It was like somebody had dulled down the sensory input on my brain. Nothing seemed to really make me that happy anymore, except porn. It was the highlight of my day.

Little did I realize that I was actually frying my dopamine receptors, and destroying my brain in the process. While this may seem melodramatic, it’s actually not. There’s a growing body of research that’s linking porn to all manner of illness, all the way from minor depression to premature ejaculation and erectile dysfunction.


Your Brain on Porn

nofap your brain on porn

Imagine for a moment the life of Grok. The year is 50,000 BC and Grok is your great-great-great, something-or-other grandfather. He spends most of his time hunting woolly mammoth, laughing with his tribe, and fucking women in his cave. The hottest girl he’s seen is a 3, at best, by today’s standards.

Regardless, Grok lives a happy life—he’s the “Chad” of the caveman days. Now imagine that you picked Grok up and thrust him 52,000 years forward to the present day. Now, rather than having to actually accomplish something to get laid, Grok can inundate himself with thousands of images of sexy women at the click of a button.

Like it or not, our brains did not evolve to experience such massive “hyper-stimulation,” as scientists call it. Your brain is not designed to intake dozens of HQ videos of Sasha Gray, Alexis Texas, and Asa Akira within the time span of a few minutes. It’s literally overloading your brain’s neurotransmitters.

Most people aren’t aware that your neurotransmitters are the most precious resource your brain has. They guide every single thing you do, from waking up in the morning to going to sleep at night. Your brain’s neurotransmitters are responsible for your happiness, motivation, and confidence…and you’re fucking them up with porn.


Dopamine Overload

dopamine molecule

One such neurotransmitter is called dopamine, and it’s the one that porn targets. Dopamine is also known as the “reward neurotransmitter,” because it’s largely responsible for motivation, and you get a huge burst of it after accomplishing something great. Many hardcore drugs also target this neurotransmitter circuit.

So in other words, when you have healthy dopamine levels, you’re motivated to achieve things. When you go to the gym and break those personal records, you’ll get a nice dopamine buzz. When you make your first million dollars online, you’ll get a huge dopamine surge. It’s your brain’s way of rewarding you, and motivating you.

When you’re a chronic masturbator, however, your dopamine levels are fried. Rather than having them on your side, they’re working against you. Watching porn LITERALLY rewires your brain to favor short term pleasure, and to avoid long term achievement. Don’t believe me? Take a look at what the research shows.

Here’s a link containing 39 neuroscience-based studies which show how porn harms your brain. Here’s another link outlining 50 studies, which all show that porn usage leads to lower intelligence, motivation, and emotional health. Here’s a TEDx talk outlining some of the problems that porn is causing for millennials.


Why Every Man Benefits From NoFap

Dopamine is one of the key neurotransmitters in every man’s brain. It regulates your MOTIVATION to achieve, to conquer, to do great things… and when sex, masturbation, and porn screw this up, you’re screwed.

Think about it. How can you ever overcome a significant challenge in life, gain more power, and grow your physical strength, if you don’t even have the MOTIVATION to do so? With dopamine addiction, you can’t.

Do not delay your greatness any longer. There is a community of men on Reddit that will help you overcome your addiction to porn, sex, and masturbation. Every man will benefit from no fap, on a physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual level.


6 Incredible NoFap Benefits

nofap benefits

With all of this evidence showing how porn and masturbation harm your brain, is it any wonder users feel great after quitting their addiction? “But Jon, it’s not an addiction!” I can hear someone say. Oh, really? Try going just three days without porn or masturbation—that’s it. Just three days. Then come back and tell me it’s not an addiction.

Every day I get clients asking me how they can improve their lives. They want to know how they can make more money, get more motivation, and sleep with more women. One of the first questions I always ask them is: “Do you masturbate?” If the answer is yes, I advise they quit IMMEDIATELY.

Men who adhere to the two rules of nofap, often find a vast swathe of benefits, such as:

  • More energy to accomplish goals
  • Massive spike in motivation
  • Higher testosterone levels
  • God-like confidence
  • An “alpha male vibe” that women crave
  • Better mental health & clarity

These aren’t the only nofap benefits of course, but they’re some of the biggest ones. For me, the biggest change was that my approach anxiety almost 100% disappeared. I started hitting on women, flirting with them, and talking to them with ease. It was as if my natural “alpha male” had been drawn out.


NoFap Benefit 1. More Energy

When I began nofap, I started to notice that I had way more energy… and not just a little bit more, either. I mean, a lot more. I began to feel like a much greater man—one who wasn’t burdened by a dopamine addiction any longer.

I wasn’t as tired if I didn’t get a good sleep. I didn’t get tired at the end of the day anymore. Suddenly, I felt a surge of energy to get shit done. It was like all this pent up sexual energy got funneled into more noble pursuits.

This is one of the most common nofap benefits that guys experience… why does it happen? Because you’re not constantly depleting your life force. This is perhaps, one of the best benefits of nofap I’ve found to this day.

Most successful men have high libido… is it any coincidence then, that doing nofap allows you to channel your libido into more energy?

This is what Sigmund Freud called “Sublimation,” which just means that you channel your sex drive into productive pursuits. NoFap makes this a reality.


NoFap Benefit 2. More Motivation

It’s no secret that men are largely motivated by getting pussy. We all want to have sex with hot girls, and it motivates us to achieve more. When you see a hot girl, it motivates you to make money and get jacked.

Doesn’t it make sense then, that when you aren’t constantly jerking off, you’ll be more motivated to have sex with real women in the real world? Of course, it does.

After just a week of nofap, I found that I was far more motivated to accomplish my goals. Rather than just sitting around all day jerking off and playing video games, I actually wanted to do something worthwhile.

That’s another benefit of nofap, by the way. You’ll realize how full your life is of mind-numbing crap, and you’ll begin to cut it out. You stop seeking out instant gratification and pleasure at the expense of your future self.


NoFap Benefit 3. Higher Testosterone Levels

There was a study done recently which showed that men who jerk off have lower testosterone levels—and not by a little, by a lot. It seems that masturbation and ejaculation drastically lowers testosterone levels.

In a study conducted by The Department of Life Science at Hangzhou Normal College, researchers found that nofap increased testosterone by a whopping 145%:

“The authors found that the fluctuations of testosterone levels from the 2nd to 5th day of abstinence were minimal. On the 7th day of abstinence, however, a clear peak of serum testosterone appeared, reaching 145.7% of the baseline ( P < 0.01)”

The key seems to be making it to the 7-day mark. Once you hit the week long streak, your testosterone levels will skyrocket. I’ve personally noticed this myself, after abstaining from porn and masturbation.

Testosterone has a ton of benefits, as we all know, so you want as much of it as you can possibly get. Nofap helps a lot with this. If you want to learn more, read my article on how to boost your testosterone levels.


NoFap Benefit 4. God-Like Confidence

Maybe it’s just the increased testosterone, but I felt way more confident once I started doing nofap. Part of this is likely due to the testosterone, but party of it is probably due to a genuine self-esteem increase.

Think about it… when you sit around jerking off all day, why would you ever be confident? You wouldn’t. You’re wasting your fucking life jerking off to internet porn, and sitting around like a god damn loser.

Once you start doing nofap, you’ll begin to realize how dumb this lifestyle is, and you’ll get out into the real world and become more confident. Read my guide on how to increase confidence if you want to learn more about this.


NoFap Benefit 5. Alpha Male Vibe

Another benefit I noticed, was that girls would check me out all of the time… like WAY more than before. I was getting indicators of interest left and right. It seemed that every woman wanted a relationship (sexual or emotional) with me.

Something about nofap sends a signal to girls, that tells them you’re a highly fertile male. I don’t know if it’s through body language sub-communications or what, but trust me, it works.

I vividly remember standing in line at my college lunch hall (when I was in college), and girls could not keep their eyes off me.

Seriously, it was like something out of a porn flick—one girl was EYEING me up and down for a solid 30 seconds straight.

Don’t take my word for it, though… just try nofap for 30 days and you’ll see how incredible some of these benefits can be.


NoFap Benefit 6. Mental Clarity

One of the best benefits of nofap is the mental clarity that it gives you. Think about it… people take testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) to gain more mental clarity in old age.

…so, wouldn’t it make sense that doing nofap would also increase your mental clarity? Of course, it would… and it does.

When I do nofap, suddenly, all of my goals become clear. I’m not thinking about dumb bullshit all day long. Instead, I’m laser focused on what I want, and what I need to do in order to get there.


NoFap Benefit 7. Last Longer in Bed

Another one of the benefits of NoFap is that you literally last longer in bed. Not only is this a combination of your increased physical energy, higher testosterone, and focus, but there’s something else here, too.

Think about it—when you jerk off to porn, you train your brain to cum as fast as possible. You’re seeking that sexual pleasure of cumming, and you want to get it as fast as possible. So, when you actually have sex with a REAL girl, your brain has been trained to cum as fast as possible.

Obviously, most men hate this. We want to last long enough to make a girl cum and have pleasure, too. So, when you stop training your brain to cum as fast as possible by masturbating to porn, you start to last longer in bed.

NOTE – if you want to learn more about lasting longer in bed, and just having better sexual performance overall, then check out my guide to the top 5 best male enhancement supplements on the market.


My NoFap Journey

nofap benefits before after

I first started NoFap about five years ago, and it’s easily one of the best decisions I’ve ever made. After an initial period of struggle, relapsing over and over again, I was finally able to beat the addiction—and I had the added benefits to show. Now, five years later, I’m a completely different man.

In just five years, I’ve completely turned my life around. I ended up starting multiple businesses, sleeping with 100+ women, and eventually dropping out of college. I’m now currently scaling my businesses up to seven figures, and aim to become a public speaker within the next year or two.

While I can’t say NoFap is 100% responsible for my success, it certainly played a huge role. With NoFap, I’m far more confident than I’ve ever been. I have more energy than I’ve ever had before. I’m as motivated as ever, my social anxiety is gone, and pulling girls is like second nature.

For anyone who thinks this is just bullshit, I urge you to check out the subreddit for yourself. Try going porn and masturbation free, for just a few days. You’ll see what I’m talking about. After just seven days, you’ll notice the nofap benefits everyone’s talking about—from confidence to motivation to more women being into you.


The Bottom Line

After discovering the many benefits of nofap, I decided to search for more life-changing strategies. I eventually ended up compiling the “7 Strategies to Develop Your Masculinity,” which is packed with seven simple lifestyle changes that will catapult you to alpha male status.

Simply put, these strategies are some of the most powerful ways to transform your life. If you aren’t getting the sex that you want, and dating the beautiful women that you deserve, I highly recommend you check it out. In fact, NoFap is just so damn effective that I actually made it Strategy #4.

There’s a ton of NoFap benefits that are just WAITING to be felt, if only you’d pull the trigger. When you decide to unlock your full potential and give nofap a shot, you’ll experience incredible confidence, alpha male testosterone levels, and more motivation than you know what to do with.

If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, feel free to leave a remark down below. As with anything in life, if you aren’t doing NoFap, I recommend you start NOW! As always, I hope you guys enjoyed the article and I’ll see you next time.

Frequently Asked Questions
❓ What is Nofap?

Nofap, sometimes called no fap, is a community of men based around a common goal: to abstain from "PMO," or porn, masturbation, and orgasm. Members of the nofap community believe that there are numerous medical and benefits to nofap.

❓ How Do You Do Nofap?

The best way to start doing nofap is to join the community, and immediately start avoiding all sexual imagery, not just limited to pornography. Fill your day with habits, to avoid sexual temptations, and to make quitting pornography and fapping easier.

❓ How Long Does The Nofap Flatline Last?

The nofap flat line, or the "depression" phase of nofap where your dopamine receptors have to re-work themselves, usually lasts for about 1-2 weeks. In severe cases, it may last up to a month, but in general, most users report a ton of benefits after just one week of nofap.

❓ What Does The Nofap Community Believe?

The nofap community believes that by avoiding masturbation and by practicing semen retention, men can receive a whole host of benefits, such as lasting longer in bed, an increased sense of confidence, more self control, and many other health perks, too.

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Musa Musa
2 years ago

I am 24 years old. I have been practicing the disastrous, baneful and dreadful act of masturbation over 7 years ago, but unfortunately I don’t know anything about it utill 2022. Before I began doing jerk off, I used to memorize things easily but after I indulge in the jerk off I loss my sharp memory. I used to hide in the public and prefer to hide in the insolation. I am 200Level college student,but due to jerk off I suffer in our first year examination. But this year I almost get A in any course because of my health memory. There is no any benefit of masturbation but regret, social anxiety, dull face and bad memory.

I have been trying to do Nofap 30 days but sometimes I relapse either in 10 day,7 day or even 25th days but now I’m 7 days and I promise not to come back to Masturbation for the rest of my life even though I’m single.

Let me dash you one strategy for overcome your masturbation temptation.

Wherever you want to jerk off don’t do it kindly stand up and do judging even for 1 minute you’ll see your penis calm down and sexual temptation go away.

Tell yourself masturbation is a hideous act of Satan and whoever you finish Satan laughing at you. Tell yourself ” I will not allow Satan to laugh at me because there is no any enjoyment in masturbation.

Thanks for Nofap community.

2 years ago


I am 43 Yeats old guy from Chicago, IL. Started NoFap about 3 days, I feel little confident. I have been doing porn since I was 20 years old. How long will my dopamine receptors will take to become normal.

4 years ago

Yes,you’re right!

4 years ago

Thanks for the inspiring article! I am just starting to kick my porn addiction and greatly cut back on masturbation as well. I notice even at a few days in, I have much more mental clarity. At the 5th day, it felt like my voice was deepening. Thanks again.

4 years ago

This was one awesome read, I really need to take everything therein to Hart!
As a single 39 year old never married individual: i desperately yearn to be a better man while achieving my full potential. All the while learning to utilize some self-control from my almost daily destructive personal habit of pmo.
Thankkk’s for this wonderful article!!!

Kartik thakur
4 years ago

Hello there…
I have a question..
Is it also beneficial for teenagers? I am 18…no such addiction… Porn once or twice a month. Masturbated normally. Daily. But once..
But yeah I gave nofap a try. And longest streak was 26 days… But I had relapsed…
Now again I am 7 days already… But my question is there are also some small articles which says that some antisex idiots promote false things…. (But personally I don’t find it to be true) and it’s absolutely normal…
Okay it’s normal. But personally I really felt lively and good without masturbation….
IS nofap worth it absolutely??
I must think it’s worth it..!!

4 years ago

Great article.

Once went 60 days without fapping but also without consciously trasmuting my pent up sexual energy. I still got some benefits like a deeper voice more confidence etc, but I felt frustration more than anything.

Apparently abstaining from masturbation and semen retention is only 1 piece of the puzzle. You need to put some conscious effort into channeling that energy into a more positive outlet or the effects can be damaging to your life rather than beneficial.

Channel your drive into a worthy pursuit tho and you’ll be able to reap all the benefits of nofap without any side effects.

6 years ago

My Man, I’m on Nofap day one just because of the benefits from what you said. I started a journal to keep track of my progress and hopefully kick wanking of to porn out of my life. You are the best dude.
As always, Peace brother.

Jon Anthony
6 years ago
Reply to  Alu

Thank you, bro. Take note of you how you feel in just a week!

6 years ago
Reply to  Jon Anthony

It’s too hard bro. I just can’t do it more than 2 days. I just relapsed like crazy. Any tips dude?

Jon Anthony
6 years ago
Reply to  Alu

Grow some fucking willpower. How the hell are you going to accomplish anything you want in your life if you can’t even stay clean for 2 days?

Abner Charles
6 years ago

I have to say this is not the case for me. I’ve gone for as long as 6 months on nofap and it seemed to make me really aggressive and needy wich make girls see me as someone who had no life.

Jon Anthony
6 years ago
Reply to  Abner Charles

Are you going out 3-4 nights a week in conjunction with NoFap? The whole point is to channel your aggressive energy into something productive now.

6 years ago

I remember as clueless horny teenagers me and my friends would talk about whatever porn we had watched and think absolutely nothing of it. It didn’t occur to us that we were at home jacking off whilst watching guys do what we wanted to be doing. That misdirected energy was maintaining our virgin status.

The sooner a fella learns about these topics in life, the better.

Ryan K.
6 years ago

I can personally attest to this. I have stopped masturbating and watching porn for about 6 months.

Let me tell you.

The one thing I have experienced….GOD-Like Confidence.

I can’t explain it. But I literally feel as if I am a different person altogether. I start witty, intelligent conversations with girls in the mall all the time. O flirt with girls in front of the girl I’m with, and the girl I’m with gets even more attracted to me.

STOP masturbating guys, I’m telling You, it will change your life.

Keep the quality coming Jon!


Jon Anthony
6 years ago
Reply to  Ryan K.

Thanks, man – I appreciate it! Surprised you have time to read my blog with all those girls you’re probably fucking 😉


What's Up, I'm Jon Anthony

Women. Fitness. Money. I’ll help you achieve it.

After dropping out of college to pursue my dreams, I started this blog as a way to help other men do the same.

What started off as a fun hobby, grew into a full-scale 6-figure business that’s changing the lives of men worldwide.

Important Notice:

Jon Anthony, my friend and the author of Masculine Development has unfortunately passed away. This is a backup of the website managed by me LifeMathMoney.

Jon was extremely bright, intelligent, friendly, and kind. One of those rare big hearted people who truly wanted to help others.

I intend to keep this website live as long as I can to preserve my friend’s legacy and memory.

Rest in Power my friend.

You will be missed.

P.S. If someone wants to get in touch, you can do so here.


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